"Will": {
"CurrentFocus": "Being the best version of me",
"HowDoISeeMyselfIn5Years": "Living my own dreams as a reality",
"Favorites": {
"OperationalSystem": "Arch Linux",
"GUI": "XFCE",
"Kernel": "Zen",
"Interpreter": "ZSH",
"IDE": "Sublime text",
"Language": "Python",
"MobileOS": "Android",
"Games": ["Chrono Trigger","Driver: Parallel Lines","Watch Dogs"],
"Music": {
"Genres": ["Hip Hop","Lo-fi","Jazz"],
"Songs": ["MF DOOM - Datura stramonium","MF DOOM - One beer","Quasimodo - Bad character"],
"Artists": ["MF DOOM","Rav","Vundabar"]
"RandomStuff": {
"FunFactOfTheDay": "Alfred Hitchcock didn`t have a belly button. It was eliminated when he was sewn up after surgery.",
"CoolAdviceOfTheDay": "If you don't ask, you don't get.",
"DadJokeOfTheDay": "Did you hear about the chameleon who couldn't change color? They had a reptile dysfunction.",
"IsTodayChristmas?": "Maybe another time",
"IsTodayMyBirthday?": "Maybe",
"RandomMemeOfTheDay": "https://i.imgflip.com/9ghdlo.jpg"
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