A repo containing the linter and builder for SBUILD packages.
The linter validates the provided SBUILD
package recipe, performs checks and generates the validated recipe for the builder to work with.
Usage: sbuild-linter [OPTIONS] [FILES]
A linter for SBUILD package files.
--pkgver, -p Enable pkgver mode
--no-shellcheck Disable shellcheck
--parallel <N> Run N jobs in parallel (default: 4)
--inplace, -i Replace the original file on success
--success <PATH> File to store successful packages list
--fail <PATH> File to store failed packages list
--timeout <DURATION> Timeout duration after which the pkgver check exits
--help, -h Show this help message
FILE... One or more package files to validate
Usage: sbuild [OPTIONS] [FILES]
A builder for SBUILD package files.
--help, -h Show this help message
--log-level Log level for build script: info/1 (default), verbose/2, debug/3
--keep, -k Whether to keep sbuild temp directory
--outdir, -o <PATH> Directory to store the build files in
--timeout-linter <DURATION> Timeout duration after which the linter exists
FILE... One or more package files to build