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Easily navigate to the blind spots of your unit testing in Visual Studio.


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Missing Coverage

NuGet CI/CD License

Easily navigate to the blind spots of your unit testing in Visual Studio.

Missing Coverage filters the reports generated by your primary coverage tools like Coverlet, Fine Code Coverage, or ReportGenerator for missing line and branch coverage and outputs the results in a format that allows for easy navigation to the code in question via the Visual Studio Output Tool Window.

Install & Setup

  • Make sure the coverage reports are available in Cobertura format.

  • Install Missing Coverage as a .NET tool. See the .NET documentation for more details.

    Nuget Release dotnet tool install -g Mawosoft.MissingCoverage
    CI Feed dotnet tool update Mawosoft.MissingCoverage -g --version "*-*" --no-cache --add-source
  • Add Missing Coverage as an external tool to Visual Studio.

  • Don't forget to check Use Output Window and - depending on your preferences - choose either $(ProjectDir) or $(SolutionDir) as Initial directory.

  • If the file names of your reports don't match the default pattern (see below), you can customize it via Arguments.

  • There are also a variety of options you can enter into Arguments which let you further tweak the results according to your needs.

Command line arguments

Usage: MissingCoverage [options] [filespecs]

  -h|--help                       Display this help.
  -ht|--hit-threshold <INT>       Lowest # of line hits to consider a line as covered, i.e. to not include it as missing coverage in report.
  -ct|--coverage-threshold <INT>  Lowest coverage in percent to consider a line with branches as covered.
  -bt|--branch-threshold <INT>    Minimum # of total branches a line must have before the coverage threshold gets applied.
  -lo|--latest-only               For each source file, uses only the data from the newest of all matching report files.
  --no-collapse                   Reports each line separately. By default, lines with identical information are reported as range.
  --max-linenumber <INT>          Sets the maximum line number allowed.
  --no-logo                       Supresses version and copyright information.
  -v|--verbosity <LEVEL>          Sets the verbosity level to q[uiet], m[inimal], n[ormal], d[etailed], or diag[nostic].
  --                              Indicates that any subsequent arguments are filespecs, even if starting with hyphen (-).

  Any number of space separated file specs. Wildcards * ? ** are supported.
  Absolute or relative paths can be used. Relative paths are based on the current directory.

  MissingCoverage --hit-threshold 1 --coverage-threshold 100 --branch-threshold 2 --max-linenumber 50000 --verbosity normal **\*cobertura*.xml

  C:\MyProjects\**\*cobertura*.xml                     Process all xml files with name containing 'cobertura' recursively in all subdirectories of 'C:\MyProjects'.
  --latest-only TestResults\*\coverage.cobertura.xml   Process only the newest report in the randomly named subdirectories of 'TestResults' in the current directory.
  -hit-threshold 0                                     Report only lines with incomplete branch coverage, ignore lines that don't contain branches.


Easily navigate to the blind spots of your unit testing in Visual Studio.








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