Express middlewares pass errors to a callback. Javascript already has two error flows with synchronous and asynchronous code.
Express middlewares call a callback (sometimes more than once...) instead of returning. Javascript already has two standard return flows with synchronous and asynchronous code.
This wrapper converts synchronous and asynchronous flows to express-style callback flows when passed a callback, and converts callback style flows to the underlying synchronous or asynchronous function when not passed a callback.
Wrapped functions no longer require calling next or catching error to next function. Next will be called when the function completes or the promise returns or a catchable error is thrown.
Automatically calls next on function return or promise completion.
const mw = require('express-middlewrap');
app.get("/:userId/:docId", [
mw((req) => {
// Any errors thrown are called with next.
checkUserAuth(req.params.userId, req.headers.authorization);
// Next called implicitly.
// Simple, straight forward use of async/await.
mw(async (req, res) => {
// Any errors thrown are called with next.
await checkUserOwnsDoc(req.params.userId, req.params.docId);
// Next called implicitly.
(req, res, next) => {
const docStream = getDocStream(req.params.docId);
docStream.on("error", (e) => next(e));
docStream.on("end", () => next());
Doesn't work properly with middleware that calls next asynchronously and without returing a promise, i.e. setTimeout, event handlers. Promisify them first.
Won't work properly.
mw((req, res, next) => {
setTimeout(next, 500);
mw((req, res, next) => {
new Promise(() => { /* ... */ }).then(next);
Can work properly.
mw((req, res, next) => {
return new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 500)).then(next);
mw((req, res, next) => {
return new Promise(() => { /* ... */ }).then(next);
We don't want to promise what we can already deliver.
Sync code stays sync.
mw((req, res, next) => { return "bar"; }})() // => "bar"