This is a very simple application demonstrating the use of the Elli webserver and Lisp Flavored Erlang. This example was created with LFE v0.8.
The skeleton and supporting files for this application were generated with lfetool so make sure that's installed. The Makefile has a shell target so all you have to do is:
$ make shell
This will fetch the dependencies, compile and start the LFE shell, which should look something like this:
Erlang R16B03-1 (erts-5.10.4) [source] [64-bit] [smp:8:8] ...
LFE Shell V5.10.4 (abort with ^G)
You can then start the application is the same way that you would an Erlang one:
Erlang R16B03-1 (erts-5.10.4) [source] [64-bit] [smp:8:8] ...
LFE Shell V5.10.4 (abort with ^G)
> (application:start 'lfe-elli-example)
Then go to http://localhost:3000.