Validators manager for reactive forms in Angular.
In Angular You don't have an option, where You can add or remove single validators from controls, groups or arrays. Everything You add is composed using composeValidators()
NgxValidatorsManager was written to solve this problem, and add more control over validators. It tracks what validators were added, and if we add or remove any of them, it recomposes and reapplies validators on the AbstractControl
$ npm install --save ngx-validators-manager
Just import ngx-validators-manager
to Your project
imports: [
export class AppModule { }
It basically adds validatorManager
property to Your controls. That's why You have to use custom interfaces.
- Import stuff
import { VMFormBuilder, VMFormGroup } from 'ngx-validators-manager';
- Use
export class FormComponent {
form: VMFormGroup; // Use VMFormGroup interface
constructor(private fb: VMFormBuilder) { // Use VMFormBuilder
this.form ={ // Create form with FormBuilder as usual
firstName: ''
- Add validators...
addRequired() {
this.form.get('firstName').validatorManager.addValidators({required: Validators.required}) // Add validators
- ...and remove them.
removeRequired() {
this.form.get('firstName').validatorManager.removeValidators('required'); // Remove validators
You can play with it at Stackblitz