- For sqlite testing, we can implement migration through the docker file via adding another command. python manage.py makemigrations and python manage.py migrate
Credits: Originally from https://github.com/celery/celery/tree/master/examples/django
Modified the app file just to add a hello-world end point (/api-check/) for validation.
This is a project in itself, created using
django-admin.py startproject proj
, and then the settings module
) was modified to add demoapp
This module contains the Celery application instance for this project,
we take configuration from Django settings and use autodiscover_tasks
find task modules inside all packages listed in INSTALLED_APPS
Example generic app. This is decoupled from the rest of the project by using
the @shared_task
decorator. This decorator returns a proxy that always
points to the currently active Celery instance.
The settings file assumes that rabbitmq-server
is running on localhost
using the default ports. More information here:
In addition, some Python requirements must also be satisfied:
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ celery -A proj worker -l INFO
$ python ./manage.py shell
>>> from demoapp.tasks import add, mul, xsum
>>> res = add.delay(2,3)
>>> res.get()