Odds and ends, for now
In particular, others might find useful:
- bin/pull_db.sh (along with .pull_db.example.conf.sh), bash script to make it easier to copy mysql databases around
- bin/start-odrive-agent.sh and odrive-status-display.sh :
helper scripts for using odrive from CLI (because the regular odrive app is not available on linux, but the CLI is)
- I use odrive-status-display in a tmux pane to see what odrive is doing
- autohotkey remappings to allow keyboard shortcuts on Windows to more closely match Mac OS (windows/remap.ahk)
- mouse-natural-scroll.sh : shell script that toggles mac-style "natural" mouse scroll on Linux
Besides that, mostly just my config dotfiles (bash, tmux, conky, etc) for easy personalization on other Unix-like systems