StoreRouterConnectingModule connects RouterModule with StoreModule.
During the navigation, before any guards or resolvers run, the router will dispatch a ROUTER_NAVIGATION action, which has the following signature:
export type RouterNavigationPayload = {
routerState: RouterStateSnapshot,
event: RoutesRecognized
- Either a reducer or an effect can be invoked in response to this action. If the invoked reducer throws, the navigation will be canceled.
- If navigation gets canceled because of a guard, a ROUTER_CANCEL action will be dispatched.
- If navigation results in an error, a ROUTER_ERROR action will be dispatched.
- Both ROUTER_CANCEL and ROUTER_ERROR contain the store state before the navigation which can be used to restore the consistency of the store.
function routerReducer(state = "", action: any) {
if (action.type === "ROUTER_NAVIGATION") {
const s: RouterStateSnapshot = action.payload.routerState;
return s.url.toString();
} else {
return state;
declarations: [AppCmp, SimpleCmp],
imports: [
StoreModule.provideStore({router: routerReducer}),
{ path: '', component: SimpleCmp },
{ path: 'next', component: SimpleCmp }
bootstrap: [AppCmp]
export class AppModule {