Wenjing Wang, Shuai Yang, Jizheng Xu, and Jiaying Liu. "Consistent Video Style Transfer via Relaxation and Regularization", IEEE Trans. on Image Processing (TIP), 2020.
Project Website: https://daooshee.github.io/ReReVST/
[Update Oct. 2022] MPI Sintel optical flow and masks for computing long-term temporal loss: Baidu Pan
[Update Jan. 2022] Test content videos and style images can be found in ./data
[Update June 2021] Code for multi-style interpolation can be found in ./Multi-style Interpolation (but the code is messy).
- torch
- torchvision
- scipy
- numpy
- opencv-python-headless
cd ./train
Download style images (WikiArt.org or Painter by Numbers from Kaggle) in ./data/style/
Download content images (MSCOCO) in ./data/content/
Directly training the model with all the loss terms is hard, so we gradually add the loss terms and adjust the hyper-parameters.
The script below is based on a half pre-trained style_net-epoch-0.pth
. If you are interested in training from scratch, please refer to the Supplementary Material, Sec. I. B. for detailed parameter settings.
1.2.1 Download half pre-trained model
Download the half pre-trained model and replace the empty style_net-epoch-0.pth
Links: Google Drive, Baidu Pan [397w]
1.2.2 Training
Please refer to train.py
for the meaning of each parameter.
python3 train.py --cuda --gpu 0 --epoches 2 --batchSize 4 --lr 1e-4 --dynamic_filter --both_sty_con --relax_style --style_content_loss --contentWeight 1 --recon_loss --tv_loss --temporal_loss --data_sigma --data_w
cd ./test
Download our final model and replace the empty style_net-TIP-final.pth
Links: Google Drive, Baidu Pan [397w]
In generate_real_video.py
, set the path of the style image by style_img
, and set the path to the video frames by content_video
, and run:
python generate_real_video.py
Then, you can find stylized videos in ./result_frames/
and ./result_videos/
. When writing the final video, the frames will be sorted by their names (using sort()
in python).