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A collection of useful USRP utilities

apps directory:

  • read_usrp_time: reading the USRP time
  • reset_usrp_time: resetting USRP time to 0.0
  • rx_timed_samples_to_file: recording samples to a file staring at a known time
  • timed_rx_file_mqtt: recording samples to files based on a trigger over mqtt

more complicated application have sample scripts named run_<name>.sh to use them.

scripts directory:

  • simple mosquitto_pub based script to send a trigger for timed_rx_file_mqtt


To compile the (important MQTT) application included, we need non-SSL versions of Paho MQTT C, Paho MQTT C++ and UHD installed in some known locations (I install everything to ~/install but it can be changed by changing the DESTDIR in make install and CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH in the cmake command. Note that CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH would have to point to <install dir>/usr/local). The other non-MQTT applications only need UHD installed.

compile and install paho.mqtt.c

Builds the paho C static library and install its to a local ~/install folder.

Note: using a personal fork of the PAHO C and CPP libraries (we were facing some problems with compiling examples for the non-SSL versions earlier)

git clone
mkdir paho.mqtt.c/build
cd paho.mqtt.c/build
make DESTDIR=~/install install

compile and install paho.mqtt.cpp

Builds the paho C++ static library and install it to a local ~/install folder in the home directory. If this is to be changed, make changes to the DESTDIR option in make install.

We're relying on a paho.mqtt.c static library being installed at ~/install/usr/local/. If this is different, make the appropriate changes to CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH option for cmake.

Note: using a personal for of the PAHO C and CPP libraries (we were facing some problems with compiling examples earlier)

git clone
mkdir paho.mqtt.cpp/build
cd paho.mqtt.cpp/build
make DESTDIR=~/install install

compile and install UHD

Build a custom port of the UHD library and installs it to a local ~/install folder.

git clone
mkdir uhd/host/build
cd uhd/host/build
cmake ..
make uhd
make DESTDIR=~/install install


git clone
mkdir usrp-apps/build
cd usrp-apps/build
cmake -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=~/install/usr/local ..


Timed capture using trigger on MQTT

Example use of timed_rx_file_mqtt (Also found in

timed_rx_file_mqtt --usrpargs="addr=" --mqttserv="tcp://" --id=$(hostname) --prefix="$HOME/Workspace/data/exp0_" --pubtop="usrp/response" --subtop="usrp/command" --ntpslack=0.2
  • usrpargs: where to find the USRP device
  • mqttserv: where to find the MQTT server. Include protocol and port
  • id: name of the computer. used for messaging the MQTT server correctly
  • prefix: filename prefix. Can include complete path location
  • pubtop: what topic the gateway will send notifications about the request
  • subtop: what topic the gateway will use to listen for commands
  • ntpslack: how much worst-case offset do we assume between NTP time on gateway host and GPS time on the GPSDO

Timed capture using offset from local time

TODO: instructions for rx_timed_sampled_to file. Look at run_rx_timed_sampled_to for a quick and dirty reference

Triggering a capture

Message format to send on the MQTT trigger topic to start a capture:

  • fc: center frequency of capture in Hz (double)
  • lo: LO offset in Hz (double). generally 0
  • sps: samples per second or sample rate (double)
  • bw: bandwidth of intermediate frequency filter in Hz (double)
  • g: gain of frontend in dB (double)
  • t0: exact capture starting time in UTC (double)
  • n: number of samples to capture (int)
  • ant: antenna to use (string)

Check scripts/mqtt_trig_*.sh for examples on triggering a capture using mosquitto_pub.`


VSCode CMake Tools configurations

If you want to use the Cmake Tools extension for building and debugging, add the following entry in your .vscode/settings.json file

"cmake.configureSettings": {

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A collection of useful USRP programs






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