Packages (WAMP on Windows has all of this): PHP5 and MySQL (for the LinkInfo plugin, you also need curl)
PHP modules: MySQLnd, cURL (for link parsing), PCRE, PCNTL (for restart command)
Replier.php requires the following aside from PHP5:
Python 3
markovify (pip install markovify
If you don't want to/can't get these modules, just don't include the plugins that use them. However, AigisIRC's core requires PCRE, making it the only absolutely required PHP module.
- Edit the config.ini file to set up netwoks.
- Make the "aigis" file executable.
- Run the following command:
./aigis NetworkName
On Rizon (as Aigis or the alt nick, NaotoShirogane): #Aigis, #dprk and #rice (owner nick is lunarmage)
Send me a message on either Rizon or through GitHub if you want me to run Aigis in your IRC network.