OctoPrint-FlashForge Changelog
0.2.6 (2020-10-16)
Bug Fixes
- Ignore spurious M23 command from Cura when printing from to Cura to SD card which will sometimes cause printer to hang.
- Regression bug - made error checking too aggressive on Upload to SD, causing it to fail.
0.2.5 (2020-10-13)
New Feature
- Can connect to printer when it is already printing from SD and OctoPrint will recognize a print is in progress
- Provide error dialogs if "Upload to SD" fails
Bug Fixes
- Save the LED color change so it carries over between OctoPrint restarts
- Do not send M20 (get list of files on SD card), M21 (initialize the SD card) commands since they do not do anything
and for some printers may cause issues. - Try to allow XY homing on Finder v2. #29
0.2.4 (2020-09-21)
New Feature
- Can have more than one printer of the same type connected - the "Serial Port" name will contain the printer name
and USB port# - Try to handle emergency stop M112 (some of the time it still leaves the printer/USB stack in a unstable state)
Bug Fixes
- Regression bug - On new RPi installs, may not be able to connect and get message about setting up USB permissions #51
- Cannot create new Printer Profile with this plugin installed. #52
0.2.3 (2020-09-12)
Bug Fixes
- Regression bug - sometimes Pause, Cancel controls do not work after "Upload to SD".
0.2.2 (2020-08-27)
Bug Fixes
- Dremel 3D20 should not drop connection (was timing out after 2s of nothing from host).
0.2.1 (2020-08-23)
Bug Fixes
- LED control now working.
- Support for X, Y, Z and extruder movement under the "Control" tab for printers such as Finder II, Guider II which
do not support relative positioning. There is a setting under "Settings" > "Printer Profiles" > "Axes" where you can
select G91 not supported.
0.2.0 (2020-08-22)
New Feature
- Support printing directly from OctoPrint - ie should now be able to print from within OctoPrint and see progress
using the "GCode Viewer" tab. While this feature has been tested, it has only been tested on two different printers -
please provide feedback with debug logs if you are seeing issues.
Bug Fixes
- Better support for Dremel 3D20 timeout issue when handling M27 while not printing.
0.1.22 (2020-8-20)
Bug Fixes
- Do not get SD card print status M27 when connecting - Dremel 3D20 does not handle it correctly unless it is actually printing (Thanks @eduncan911)
0.1.20 (2020-8-14)
Fix for not being able to connect under OctoPrint 1.4.1 (Thanks @trejan)
0.1.19 (2020-7-6)
New Features
- Allow connection to FlashForge Guider II (Thanks @maesoph)
- Allow connection to Dremel 3D45 (Thanks @garyriet)
0.1.18 (2020-5-15)
New Features
- Allow connection to FlashForge Guider IIs (Thanks @jayceekeys)
- Support Python 3
- Disable light controls when printing from SD
0.1.17 (2020-5-13)
New Features
- Controls for the enclosure light added to the "Control" tab
- Now it should actually support .g3drem files for Dremel printers...
- Support M146 command for controlling LED lights (see Wiki) for docs)
0.1.16 (2020-5-8)
- Support .3drem files for Dremel printers
- Fix for hanging when DisplayLayerProgress plugin is in use (Thanks @jumpingmushroom)
0.1.15 (2020-5-4)
- Fixes for issues uploading to SD card on newer printers such as Finder v2 (Thanks @boozecouncil)
0.1.14 (2020-4-30)
- Fixes for USB connection issues on newer printers such as Finder v2 (Thanks @boozecouncil)
0.1.13 (2020-4-16)
- Added additional support for PowerSpec Ultra 3D (Thanks @kelkin)
0.1.12 (2020-4-16)
- Added support for FlashForge Finder v2 (Thanks @Spillmaker)
0.1.11 (2020-4-2)
- Added support for FlashForge Creator Max (Thanks @pfemiani)
0.1.10 (2020-2-9)
- Set USb buffer to a sensible size
0.1.9 (2020-1-15)
- Corrected version number in setup file
0.1.8 (2020-1-14)
- Changes to default settings and initial connection handling -
check the configuration section and ensure the "Hello" command is set: Go to Settings and under Serial Connection > Firmware & Protocol >Protocol fine tuning: open up the "Advanced" section and set the value for "Hello" command toM601 S0
- Made upload to SD card more robust
- Made pausing/resuming/canceling SD card printing more robust
- Tested on
- FlashForge Finder Firmware: V1.5 20170419
- FlashForge Dreamer Firmware: V2.6 20190320
- PowerSpec Ultra 3D Firmware: V2.4 20160407
0.1.7 (2019-12-9)
- Added support for Dreamer NX (Thanks @mrspartak)
- Support VID 0x0315 as PowerSpec (Thanks @twistedcustomdevel)
0.1.6 (2019-12-9)
- Support FlashForge VID 0x0315 (Thanks @twistedcustomdevel)