When a ViewModel has to work with more complex logic and state, then the default operators of LiveData (map
, switchMap
and distinctUntilchanged
) are not enough. Hence this repo introduces the most popular operators from Rx, but then as extension functions on LiveData.
There is a sample project included for demonstration.
implementation 'io.lamart.livedata:livedata-utils:+'
val d1 : MutableLiveData<Int> = mutableLiveDataOf(1)
val d2 : LiveData<Int> = liveDataOf { next ->
val d3 : MutableLiveData<Int> = mediatorLiveDataOf {
addSource(mutableLiveDataOf(), ::setValue)
addSource(mutableLiveDataOf(), ::postValue)
mutableLiveDataOf(1).filter { it % 2 == 0 } // filters the odd numbers
mutableLiveDataOf(1).cast<Int>() // blindly cast each value
mutableLiveDataOf(1).castIf<String>() // cast only when it is possible
mutableLiveDataOf(1).take(3) // only the first three are emitted
mutableLiveDataOf(1).skip(3) // skips the first 3 emissions
mutableLiveDataOf(1).startWith(2) // will emit 2,1
mutableLiveDataOf(1).reduce { acc, value -> acc + value } // mutate the previous resulte with the current emission
mutableLiveDataOf(1).reduce(seed = "a") { acc: String, value : Int -> acc + value.toString() } // emits "a1'
Some operators are available via the LiveData KTx library:
.map { it.toFloat() }
.switchMap { mutableLiveDataOf(it.toString()) }
The operators below are handy for creating custom operators. Most of the above are created with these.
mutableLiveDataOf(1).wrap { value, next -> next(value) }
mutableLiveDataOf(1).compose { data -> data.map { it.toString() } }
mutableLiveDataOf(1).lift { next ->
// hold (mutable) state here
{ value ->
mutableLiveDataOf(1).merge(mutableLiveDataOf(1)) // will emit 1, 1
mutableLiveDataOf(1).combine(mutableLiveDataOf("a")) { num, text -> num.toString() + text } // will emit "1a"
mutableLiveDataOf(1).pair(2) // will emit Pair<Int, Int>(1,2)
mutableLiveDataOf(1).window(3) // will emit a list of 3 whenever it has 3 elements.
mutableLiveDataOf(1).buffer(3) // will emit a list of 3 when it has collected 3 elements.
val data = mutableLiveDataOf()
data.setValues { next ->
The observe
method of LiveData
requires Kotlin to always create the Observer
functional interface. To replace the interface with a lambda, you can use the subscribe
fun example(owner: LifecycleOwner) {
mutableLiveDataOf(1).observe(owner, Observer { println(it) })
mutableLiveDataOf(1).subscribe(owner) { println(it) }
It is cumbersome the pass a LiveData around, since it requires a LifecycleOwner to make a subscription. To fix this, there is an overload that returns a function that can be called without the need of a LifecycleOwner.
fun example1(owner: LifecycleOwner) {
val observe: Observe<Int> = mutableLiveDataOf(1).observe(owner)
// ... somewhere else the Observer can be supplied
observe(Observer { println(it) })
fun example2(owner: LifecycleOwner) {
val subscribe: Subscribe<Int> = mutableLiveDataOf(1).subscribe(owner)
// ... somewhere else the lambda can be supplied
This can be very useful for passing observable data to a ViewModel in the case of events like clicks or text changes. In the sample project are buttons that sort the ViewModel data by using subscribe
and combine
There are operators for executing a side effect before and after calling the subsequent operators.
mutableLivedataOf(1).beforeEach { println(it) }
mutableLivedataOf(1).afterEach { println(it) }
The post
operator will execute all subsequent operation on the main thread.
mutableLivedataOf(1).post().map { number -> number.toString() }
The overload will call post
after the given callback.
mutableLivedataOf(1).post { data -> data.map { number -> number.toString() } }
Many thanks to Josef Raska for making LiveData tests a breeze.
Copyright 2019 Danny Lamarti
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.