This project investigates various network attacks and their impacts on system performance, focusing on energy consumption and response time in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs). By utilizing Genetic Algorithms, the project aims to mitigate cyber threats that degrade network performance.
The primary objective is to study different types of network attacks and their effects on system performance. The study provides insights into energy consumption, response time, and system reliability under the influence of attacks like Blackhole, Flooding, and Selective Forwarding.
The dataset used in this project is derived from the paper "WSN-BFSF: A New Dataset for Attacks Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks". The dataset, obtained from network traffic simulations, has undergone necessary preprocessing to be suitable for analysis using learning models.
- Types of Attacks: Blackhole, Flooding, Selective Forwarding
- System Events: Receiving, Dropping, Forwarding
- Node IDs: Identification of nodes targeted by attacks
- Destination Node Count: Impact of destination node counts on the likelihood of attacks
- Observation: Approximately 85% of the dataset indicates no attack. Flooding attacks make up 10% of the data.
- Observation: 80% of the Blackhole attacks occurred during the receiving event, while 20% involved packet drops.
- Observation: A comparative analysis of nodes targeted by Blackhole attacks versus other attack types.
- Observation: Flooding attacks occurred 94% of the time when the destination node number was between 36 and 40.
The analysis of this dataset is critical in making informed decisions about network security. By identifying attack patterns, particularly Flooding Attacks, we can proactively strengthen security measures.
- Flooding Attacks are more likely to occur when:
- Hop count: Between 3 and 7
- TTL: Between 24 and 28
- Time: Between 65 and 100
In these conditions, Flooding Attacks make up 62% of the data, while the remaining 32% reflects normal network behavior.
- Actionable Insight: These findings can help businesses enhance network security by identifying high-risk periods and parameters. For example, organizations can implement targeted defenses or real-time monitoring based on the identified patterns.
To predict outcomes based on the dataset, several preprocessing steps were required to prepare the data for machine learning models. Below is a breakdown of key steps involved:
I removed the columns Trace_Level, Mac_Type_Pckt, and Des_IP_Port because they are either redundant or irrelevant for predicting the outcome. These features may not contribute meaningful information to the model and could introduce noise, negatively impacting the model's performance. By dropping them, I streamlined the dataset, improving model training speed and accuracy.
I used one-hot encoding via the pd.get_dummies() function to convert the categorical variables (behaviour, Type, and Event) into numerical format. This step is necessary because most machine learning algorithms require numerical input. The drop_first=True argument was used to avoid multicollinearity by dropping one category from each variable, ensuring that the encoded columns are not linearly dependent on each other.
I standardized the Time feature using StandardScaler. Standardization rescales the data so that it has a mean of 0 and a standard deviation of 1. This step is essential because Time is measured on a different scale than other features, and machine learning models typically perform better when the features are on similar scales. The standardized Time was then added back into the dataset as a new feature, Time_standardized.
I normalized the numerical features using MinMaxScaler, which scales the data between 0 and 1. Normalization is important for algorithms like linear regression and decision trees, as it ensures that no feature dominates others simply because of its scale. The original columns were replaced with their normalized counterparts to make the dataset more suitable for machine learning algorithms.
To improve the performance of the machine learning models, I applied two feature selection techniques:
- SelectKBest: This method selects the top k features that have the strongest relationship with the target variable based on statistical tests.
- SelectFromModel: This technique selects important features based on a machine learning model, such as Random Forest, which provides a ranking of feature importance.
Feature selection helps in reducing overfitting, improving accuracy, and speeding up the training process by focusing only on the most relevant variables. The SelectKBest showed moderate effectiveness in Linear Regression but performed excellently with Decision Tree and Random Forest models, whereas the SelectFromModel showcased near-perfect performance with Decision Tree and Random Forest but failed in Linear Regression.
I employed several predictive models to analyze the dataset:
Linear Regression: R² (SelectKBest): 0.618 (Moderate performance) R² (SelectFromModel): 0.0078 (Poor performance)
Decision Tree: R² (SelectKBest): 1.0 (Perfect fit) R² (SelectFromModel): Also performs exceptionally well.
Random Forest: R² (SelectKBest): 0.9999999354 (Almost perfect) R² (SelectFromModel): Also performs exceptionally well.
- Effectiveness: Decision Tree and Random Forest models performed exceptionally well with near-zero error. Linear Regression was less effective, especially with SelectFromModel.
- Limitations: Linear models assume linear relationships, which may not be sufficient for this dataset. Feature selection techniques can miss feature interactions and struggle with correlated features.
- Potential Improvements: Further exploration of feature engineering or alternative feature selection methods could enhance performance, particularly for Linear Regression.
In this section, the goal is to identify the best possible solution to minimize network risk. The solution is derived using a weighted sum equation based on insights from both the descriptive and predictive analytics phases. By optimizing the weights of the equation, I can make informed decisions about network behavior under attack.
I developed an objective function that calculates a risk score based on three key factors: RateOfEnergyConsumption
, and HopCount
. The function assigns weights (w1, w2, w3) to each factor to control their importance in the risk calculation.
- The fitness function takes w1, w2, and w3 as inputs. These weights represent the relative importance of the three data columns (
) in the risk score computation. - The function multiplies each column by its respective weight and sums them to compute the overall risk score for each row in the dataset.
- Sum of weights (w1 + w2 + w3) must be ≤ 1.0: If the sum exceeds 1.0, the function returns a large penalty value (9999999) to indicate an invalid solution.
- Risk score must remain under 100: If any row’s risk score exceeds 100, a large penalty value (9999999) is returned.
- Minimum network risk score must be ≥ 50: If the total risk score falls below 50, the function returns a large penalty value (9999999).
Additionally, the function filters the dataset to focus on rows where the behaviour
column indicates the node is under attack, and it computes the minimum risk score among the filtered rows.
To find the optimal weights for the objective function, I employed two optimization algorithms:
- Genetic Algorithm (GA)
- Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO)
These algorithms explore various combinations of weights to minimize the risk score while adhering to the constraints.
- Best Solution: [0.2138, 0.0293, 0.0048]
- Fitness Score: 0.0286 (found during Run 12, Generation 81)
- Best Solution: [0.2801, 0.5063, 0]
- Fitness Score: 0.0 (found during Run 11, Iteration 2)
The PSO algorithm provided the best solution with a fitness score of 0.0, which indicates that it perfectly met all constraints. Consequently, PSO is selected as the preferred optimization algorithm for this project.
- w1 (Energy Consumption): Moderately significant, accounting for 28.0% of the risk assessment. This highlights the need to conserve energy in the network.
- w2 (TTL): The most significant factor, with a weight of 50.6%. Time-to-live (TTL) is critical in managing network risk.
- w3 (Hop Count): Low significance, with a weight of 0%, suggesting it has no measurable influence on the network risk in this context.
Based on the project’s goal of minimizing network risk, I identified a suitable threshold value for classifying nodes as "at risk" or "under attack":
- Optimal Threshold: 12.151004
- Attack Capture: This threshold captures 75% of under attack nodes, making it highly effective for identifying potential risks.
- Risk Mitigation: It allows for a significant portion of nodes to be classified as at-risk, enabling proactive risk management and intervention.
- Balanced Approach: The threshold strikes a balance between sensitivity (capturing attacks) and specificity (avoiding false positives).
Multiple statistical and random risk score values were tested, and this value proved to be the most balanced.
- Fitness Values Distribution: The box plot illustrates the deviation in fitness values for both PSO and GA. While GA exhibited smaller deviations, PSO achieved a lower minimum value.
- Risk Score Comparison: The following box plots compare risk score values between nodes under attack and normal nodes.
- Thresh Value: The bar charts show that the threshold value (12.151004) captures a significant portion of nodes under attack (around 20%).
- Risk Score ≥ 17: Nodes with a risk score greater than 17 might indicate a high-risk situation. However, further analysis is required as some of these values could be outliers.
This project successfully applied a comprehensive analytics utilizing descriptive, predictive, and prescriptive analytics—to address cyber threat risk mitigation in wireless sensor networks. I was able to identify key risk factors, build predictive models, and optimize decisions for minimizing network risks.