is a cross-platform Swift framework to interact with the MangaDex website. Its goal is to offer a robust abstract interface to access the API's core features.
Note: The official MangaDex API is currently in a read-only state and some features might not be available yet.
MangaDexLib requires Swift 5 or newer.
MangaDexLib is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod 'MangaDexLib'
MangaDexLib is available Carthage. To install it, simply add the following line to your Cartfile:
github "JRomainG/MangaDexLib"
MangaDexLib is available through Swift Package Manager. To install it, simply add the dependency to your Package.Swift file:
dependencies: [
.package(url: "", .branch("master")),
targets: [
.target(name: "YourTarget", dependencies: ["MangaDexLib"]),
If you do not wish to use a package manager, you can also simply copy the Sources
directory to your project.
Here are a few examples of how to use the API:
To get a list of mangas:
import MangaDexLib
let api = MDApi()
api.getMangaList { (res, error) in
To get a manga's chapters:
let mangaId = "32d76d19-8a05-4db0-9fc2-e0b0648fe9d0" // Solo leveling
api.getMangaFeed(mangaId: mangaId) { (res, error) in
To get a chapter's pages:
let chapterId = "eaaac5cc-07aa-412b-be50-9f342ceedffb" // Eight volume 4 chapter 37.6 (en)
api.viewChapter(chapterId: chapterId) { (res, error) in
let chapter = res?.object?.data
api.getChapterServer(chapterId: chapterId) { (node, error) in
print(chapter?.getPageUrls(node: node!, lowRes: false))
To login to a user's account:
let credentials = MDAuthCredentials(username: "username", password: "password")
api.login(credentials: credentials) { (error) in
You should also check out Kitsune, an open-source reader for macOS built using MangaDexLib!
The project is extensively documented through comments, and Jazzy is used to generate documentation. It is available from this url, and updated each time a new version is released.
You can also access the official documentation for the MangaDex API here.
To install, simply checkout the dev
branch of this repository:
git clone
git checkout dev
You will then be able to open the MangaDexLib.xcodeproj
This project uses SwiftLint to enforce Swift style and conventions. It also implements unit tests using XCTest, which try to cover as many features as possible.
If you found a bug, or would like to see a new feature added, feel free to open an issue on the Github page. Pull requests are welcome!
If you can, also consider supporting MangaDex and the team behind the website.
The project is available under the GPLv3 license.
This project is not related to the MangaDex team, and is independently developed.