data Collection
data Environment
data Request
data Report
stringToCollection :: String -> Option(Collection)
stringToEnvironment :: String -> Option(Environment)
getCollection :: [Request] -> Authorization -> PrerequestScript -> Tests -> Collection
interpret :: Collection -> Request -> Environment -> Environment -> (Environment, Report)
Law: "interpret collection starting and intermediate step"
Forall: (c :: Collection), (r: Request), (e : Environment), (a: Authorization), (p: PrerequestScript), (t: Tests), (v: Variables), (re: Report).
interpret c r e e re = interpret c *r e e re
Law: "interpret collection completion step"
Forall: (c :: Collection), (r: Request), (e : Environment), (a: Authorization), (p: PrerequestScript), (t: Tests), (v: Variables), (re: Report).
interpret c r e e re = (e, **re)
* with r being the next request in sequence
** with re being the final completed report
data Method
data Url
data Params
data Authorization
data Headers
data Body
data PrerequestScript
data Tests
data Settings
getRequest :: Method -> Url -> Params -> Authorization -> Headers -> Body -> PrerequestScript -> Tests -> Settings -> Request
getRequestFields :: Request -> (Method, Url, Params, Authorization, Headers, Body, PrerequestScript, Tests, Settings)