- Install the Neo4j Desktop and Neo4j Enterprise Edition for Developer: Download
- Check the tutorial: Tutorial
- (or 4)Create some users with at least a username and link them (FRIEND or COACH), for example:
CREATE (Keanu:User {username:'Keanu Reeves', role:'CoachR', level:'Gold'})
CREATE (Carrie:User {username:'Carrie-Anne Moss', role:'MusclR', level:'Silver'})
CREATE (Laurence:User {username:'Laurence Fishburne', role:'MusclR', level:'Bronze'})
CREATE (Hugo:User {username:'Hugo Weaving', role:'MusclR', level:'Silver'})
CREATE (LillyW:User {username:'Lilly Wachowski', role:'MusclR', level:'Gold'})
CREATE (LanaW:User {username:'Lana Wachowski', role:'MusclR', level:'Silver'})
CREATE (JoelS:User {username:'Joel Silver', role:'MusclR', level:'Bronze'})
Create a lot of data using GraphGen. In "Enter your pattern here", copy/paste the following:
(person:User {label: fullName, level:{randomElement:[['Bronze','Silver','Gold']], role:{randomElement:[['MusclR','CoachR','Admin']] } }} *200)-[:FRIEND *n..n]->(person)
(person)-[:COACH *1..n]->(person)
(person)-[:USER_LOCATION *1..1]->(town:Town {label: city} *40)
(person)-[:TRAIN *1..1]->(gym:Gym {label: company} *30)
(person)-[:PARTICIPATE *n..n]->(event:Event {label: word} *50)
(event)-[:EVENT_LOCATION *1..1]->(town)
(event)-[:SITUATED *1..1]->(gym)
(gym)-[:GYM_LOCATION *1..1]->(town)
Feel free to create more/less data by modifying the number after the multiply sign
- In musclr-neo4j\src\main\resources\application.properties, correct (if needed) the username and the password (it's the one used in the tutorial)
- Run the spring boot application
- Run MusclR using ng serve
- go to http://localhost:4200/graph