What is the approximate size of your organization, in number of employees?
- Less than 10
- 11 - 50
- 51 - 100
- 101 - 1000
- 1001 - 10,000
- 10,001 - 100,000
- More than 100,000
This organization is primarily:
- A non-profit, community, political, educational or governmental organization, or an NGO
- A business, corporation or other for-profit organization
Which industry (or industries) does your organization operate in? Select one or multiple, as appropriate.
- Advertising, CRM, Marketing, Sales, Customer Service, Customer Support
- Agriculture
- Airlines, Aerospace, Defense, Maritime, Military
- Automotive
- Business Support, Professional Services, Planning, Project Management, Risk Management, Compliance, Process Automation, Consulting, Outsourcing
- Construction, Building, Engineering, Machinery, Homes
- Culture, Arts, Heritage
- Data Analytics, Data Science, AI, Machine Learning, Semantic Technologies
- Design, Printing, Packaging
- Education, Training, Instructional Design, Learning
- Entertainment, Leisure, Gaming, Gambling, Sports, E-Sports
- Events, Event Management, Event Services, Venues, Audio/Video
- Finance, Banking, Financial Services, Financial Technology, Payments, Accounting, Taxation, Cryptocurrency
- Food, Beverages
- Government
- Healthcare, Medical, Pharmaceuticals, Biotechnology
- Human Resources, Recruitment
- Insurance
- Legal Services
- Manufacturing, Engineering, Precision Engineering, Hardware, Semiconductor
- Media, Radio, TV, Journalism
- Non-profit, Community
- Parks, Recreation, Nature, Wildnerness, Outdoors, Conservation, Ecotourism
- Retail, Consumer Products, Fashion
- Real Estate
- Science, Research
- Security, Cybersecurity
- Software, Software Development, Software Development Tools, Open Source
- Telecommunications, Technology, Internet, Networking, IT Services, IT Infrastructure, Electronics, Domain Registration, Web Hosting, Ecommerce, Cloud Services, Blockchain
- Translation, Localization
- Transportation, Delivery, Logistics, GPS, Mapping, Supply Chain
- Travel, Hospitality, Holidays
- Utilities, Waste Management, Recycling, Energy, Mining, Extraction
- Other (please specify)
Is this a multinational organization?
- yes
- no
A multinational organization is defined as one that has office locations and business operations in two or more countries.
Where is your organization based?
Note: This is the primary location, headquarters or main location - or for multinational organizations, the location where the organization originated. This is not your location - that will be covered in the next section.
- searchable/typeahead dropdown listing all country names/codes
- searchable/typeahead dropdown listing major states/provinces/regions for the most widely-represented countries, filtered by country selection
City/Town (optional):
- searchable/typeahead dropdown listing major cities for the most widely-represented regions, filtered by state/province/region selection