What is your total (gross) salary (including tax)?
If your total compensation is made up of a base salary and significant bonus, equity or commission payments, please enter your total compensation here (or an average, if it fluctuates).
[dropdown: currencies] [numeric entry field] [dropdown: paid monthly|yearly]
Does your salary package include any additional benefits? Check all that apply, or select "none of the above".
- Paid vacation time (in excess of government-mandated minimums)
- Paid parental leave (in excess of government-mandated minimum)
- Time off or bonuses for community-related activities
- Unlimited PTO (paid/personal time off)
- Health insurance (in excess of government-mandated minimums)
- Other types of insurance e.g. life insurance, accident insurance, income protection insurance
- Pension, superannuation, 401(k) matching or retirement fund (in excess of any government-mandated minimums)
- Stocks, shares, stock options, or equity
- Commission or bonus payments
- Professional development / ongoing education / conference budget
- Meals, meal vouchers, or food-related benefits
- Gym, fitness, sport, or other wellness-related benefits
- Transportation-related benefits (company car, public transport passes, parking, fuel vouchers or reimbursements for any transport-related cost)
- Home office or co-working office budget (including for laptops or other equipment)
- Phone and/or internet-related benefits or reimbursements
- None of the above
- Other (please specify)
Considering only your salary and benefits, rate your level of satisfaction:
- Very satisfied
- Satisfied
- Neutral
- Unsatisfied
- Very unsatisfied
Considering your overall employment conditions - separate from your salary and benefits - rate your level of satisfaction:
- Very satisfied
- Satisfied
- Neutral
- Unsatisfied
- Very unsatisfied
How strongly do you agree with the following statements?
- Not relevant
- Strongly agree
- Agree
- Neither agree nor disagree
- Disagree
- Strongly disagree
I'm satisfied with my benefits Salaries are consistent across similar roles in my organization All genders are paid equally in my organization My salary keeps up with inflation and the cost-of-living in my area My role is sufficiently valued and funded I work a reasonable number of hours each week My responsibilities, workload and the expectations upon me are reasonable I feel respected and that my contributions are valued My workplace is generally supportive I feel I am making a positive impact (in my organization, industry, community, or the wider world) I have opportunities for career development and advancement I have opportunities for professional development and learning I have flexibility in my working hours or location My work is sufficiently interesting or challenging I like and/or respect my co-workers I like and/or respect my managers and team leaders I like and/or respect the organization I work for I'm satisfied with the systems and toolsets I use I'm satisfied with the methodologies employed by my organization or team My organization or team's remote work environment functions well My organization or team's on-site work environment functions well My organization or team's hybrid work environment functions well My workplace is free from bullying, harassment or discrimination