The Hermes protocol describes a series of contracts between services that communicate over MQTT to implement the steps in a voice interaction including
- Hotword recognition
- ASR (Automated Speech Recognition) - speech to text
- NLU (Natural Language Understanding) - text to intents and slots
- Sessions and multi step dialog
- Multi room setups
- TTS (Text to speech)
- Media playback
- User ID /Piwho
- Web site integration
- Custom NLU with multiple slots
- Interruptions - hey snips - volume integration -
- Ring Lights
- Minimising "Hey Google Ask Meeka Music to "
- Messaging and Voice calls
Related Technologies
Mycroft ,Api.ai,Kaldi,Rasa
- core application
The repository developed to allow running the Hermes protocol on a Linux laptop or server. Most of the services will work fine on a Raspberry Pi but some hacks(temporary swap file) are required for building some services.
By using RASA core as the basis of a replacement for the Snips Skills server, it is possible to use machine learning to control the flow of conversation and develop extended interactions that go beyond confirmations and form wizards.
By using RASA NLU and Kaldi ASR, it is possible to build training pipelines locally so that changing ASR and/or NLU models is as easy as saving a file. Kaldi also provides a distinct websockets interface that can be used from Android with Konele.
The opensnips hotword service is extended to use piwho to identify the speaker from their voice (ack Greg ). [Piwho is not working at the moment but the hotword service for snowboy is otherwise fine.]
Note that the official Snips services are highly optimised to perform with large data sets on minimum hardware and includes quality software with error checking, logging and testing and is suitable for commercial deployments.
This repository is intended for developers who want to hack on Snips.
Many thanks to the teams at Snips, RASA and Kaldi for their ongoing contribution to realising the future of talking to our tech. Namaste.
The repository includes:
Dockerfiles to build
- an multi architecture image based on Debian Jessie or Raspbian Stretch supporting the installation of Snips.
- a multi architecture image supporting installation of RASA, Kaldi, Snowboy.
- a Kaldi image that incorporates the English language models.
Python scripts implementing snips MQTT services (docker-images/rasa/snips_services/*)
- audioserver
- tts
- hotword
- asr (using Kaldi)
- nlu (using RASA)
- dialog
- actionhandler (snips skills manager) (using RASA core)
docker-compose.yml file to start a suite including
- all services required for hermes in both opensnips and official snips versions.
- examples for the audio server using sound devices directly or pulseaudio server on the host
- configuration for all services as environment variables
See docker-compose.yml in the root of the project for configuration options.
The Dockerfiles build on x86_64(Linux desktop/server) and arm (Raspberry pi).
Support for pulseaudio on raspberry pi/arm is pending but mostly there.
It is apparently possible to install pulseaudio on MS Windows and MacOSX which should allow the suite to be used with Docker on other platforms than Linux.
The open snips services are intended to be compatible with the official snips services. For more detail about the Hermes protocol
In general open snips services are configured using environment variables defined in the docker-compose file.
The default setup assumes that there is an external microphone available to ALSA on hw:1,0. See docker-compose.yml and docker-images/rasa/snips-services/asound*.conf for variations in sound setup corresponding to which audioserver is used and how.
The audio server sends and recieves audio data over MQTT. The server sends a constant stream of messages to subscribed clients, 256 samples long frames, signed 16bit, mono, 16000Hz each frame in its own .wav container.
The server can receive and play audio samples of arbitrary length in the same format.
At this time, a bug in the audio server is negatively but not terminally affecting hotword and speech recognition so the official server is enabled by default.
The hotword server listens to the audio server and fires hermes/hotword/detected when it hears the hotword.
The default hotword for opensnips is "snowboy"
Snowboy is used for detection. Create a model file at https://snowboy.kitt.ai/
The docker-compose file contains environment variables to configure snowboy including
- hotword_model=/opt/snips_hotword_snowboy/resources/snowboy.umdl
- hotword=snowboy
- hotword_sensitivity=0.5
Inside piwho/data a folder structure can be created containing speaker identification training data. eg
- data
- steve
- wav1.wav
- tara
- wav1.wav
- wav2.wav
- steve
There must be at least two different users/folders with wav files.
The hotword server watches for changes to training data and rebuilds the MARF database file and speakers.txt file when the training data changes.
If the identification has trained successfully, the hotword server will send
The dialogue server is the glue that listens to other services and sends messages to trigger the next step of recognition.
The opensnips dialogue server implements most of the features of the official version.
A snips model downloaded from http://console.snips.ai is required to run the official dialogue component (as well as the nlu and or asr components).
The opensnips dialogue server does not take any models into consideration.
At this time, the following features are pending.
- hermes/dialogueManager/continueSession
- hermes/nlu/partialQuery
- hermes/nlu/slotParsed
- hermes/asr/partialTextCaptured
ASR is implemented using two containers
- the Kaldi GStreamer Server
- a server script to listen to kaldi and send MQTT messages
The Kaldi image comes with the nnet2 models for English
Alternative ASR models can be installed by host mounting them into /opt/models and creating a configuration file (see nnet2.yaml)
An additional container named dictate showcases using the ASR from a web page.
At this time, the opensnips ASR service has not been adapted for arm on raspberry pi :(
NLU is implemented using RASA.AI. A single python script handles both NLU requests and action handler requests (see below) Configuration allows disabling either NLU or action handler.
RASA models are generated based on the nlu training file and the core training or domain file. The server watches changes on these files and regenerates the models when the training files are saved.
Snips user id is used to exclude the user id when processing intent names.
#- disable_nlu=no|yes
# disable_core=yes
#- mqtt_hostname=mosquitto
#- mqtt_port=1883
#- nlu_model_path=models/nlu
#- snips_assistant_path=models/snips
#- snips_user_id=user_Kr5A7b4OD
#- core_model_path=models/dialogue
#- config_file=config/config.json
#- domain_file=config/domain.yml
#- nlu_training_file=config/nlu.md
#- core_training_file=config/stories.md
#- lang=en-GB
This repository comes with models for Meeka Music. Try saying "play some pop music" or "play the next track". The repository also includes an example snips assistant model with an identical vocabulary
The text to speech server responds to MQQT message hermes/tts/say by using pico2wave to convert the text into a sound file and playing it.
The action handler replaces the snips skills server. It listens for hermes/intent/XXXX and triggers appropriate actions.
Determining the next action to take given the current intent and slots is done using RASA core.
Where the action is only required to reply, templates from the RASA domain model can be used. Where action are required to do more, the RASA format can refer to python class files.
As described in the NLU section above. Changes to the training files will trigger retraining of the model files.
The docker compose suite lays out alternatives for each service from either open snips or official snips. By default the suite runs the opensnips versions of services. To swap a given service out for the official one, comment the opensnips version and uncomment the official version.
The generic asr model is built into the snips image. To override it, use docker-compose to mount a host volume containing a different model.
The image comes with a music player assistant as an example. Currently the snips assistant can be overridden by volume mount in docker-compose. In the future, the snips assistant files will be generated based on rasa stories.
Similarly the config file is a volume mount.
# generic model is built into image, override with other models here
#- /home/stever/projects/snips-asr-model-en-500MB/snips-asr-model-en-500MB:/usr/share/snips/assistant/custom_asr
# snips config
- ./docker-compose/snips/config/assistant:/usr/share/snips/assistant
- ./docker-compose/snips/snips.toml:/etc/snips.toml
docker-compose build <service key from docker-compose>
- To build rasa on a raspberry pi you will need some swap memory. DO NOT LEAVE THIS ENABLED OR YOU WILL KILL YOUR SD CARD.
dd if=/dev/zero of=/swapfile bs=1M count=1024 # For 1GB swap file
mkswap /swapfile
swapon /swapfile
docker-compose build <service key>
when finished be sure to swapoff /swapfile; rm /swapfile
My goal is to better understand what is possible in conversational UI by developing a user interface that brings together RASA story telling format and snips skills.
My previous experience develop a voice first music player using dialogflow was very command like. For speech interactions to be widely accepted, recognition needs to be much more flexible and forgiving. I'm hopeful that RASA core will provide that flexibility.
As a starting point a minimal text format.
- Many stories serve as the training data of what actions to take based on what intents are triggered.
- Each story starts with ##
- An interaction starts with a * and the name of the intent.
- Example sentences preceded by = follow (used to generate NLU config)
- Actions sentences preceded by - by default return the text and where the text starts with an _ are executed (snips skills)
With the story format, confirmations, Yes/No responses, form wizard (slot filling) stories and more are possible.
## play some music
* play music
= gimme some tunes
= play some music
- ok playing some random music
- _play_music
## play some jazz music
* play music [genre=pop]
= i want to hear some pop music
= play some pop music
- ok playing some pop music
- _play_music
## play music by artist
* play music [artist=Josh Woodward]
= i want to hear something by Josh Woodward
= play some music by Josh Woodward
- ok playing some music by Josh Woodward
- _play_music
## clear the playlist
* clear the playlist
- do you really want to clear the playlist?
* agree
- ok clearing the playlist
- _clearplaylist
https://github.com/gabrielpoca/browser-pcm-stream - BASE
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/36525264/convert-sample-rate-in-web-audio-api https://stackoverflow.com/questions/28821124/how-to-set-up-sample-rate-using-web-audio-api/31366337#31366337 NPM ONLY https://github.com/notthetup/resampler
READ ME STEVE https://snips-nlu.readthedocs.io/en/latest/tutorial.html
https://github.com/mozilla/DeepSpeech https://hub.docker.com/r/voidspacexyz/deepspeech/builds/ https://tools.taskcluster.net/index/artifacts/project.deepspeech.tensorflow.pip.cpu/08894f64fc67b7a8031fc68cb838a27009c3e6e6
- https://github.com/alumae/kaldi-gstreamer-server
- https://hub.docker.com/r/jcsilva/docker-kaldi-gstreamer-server/
- or
- https://github.com/hipstas/kaldi-pop-up-archive
- https://github.com/achernetsov/kaldi-docker-example
- https://github.com/alumae/gst-kaldi-nnet2-online
!!! one shot embedded model jcsilva/docker-kaldi-gstreamer-server#8
!!! aspire model jcsilva/docker-kaldi-gstreamer-server#15
http://alex.readthedocs.io/en/master/index.html https://github.com/UFAL-DSG
https://n0where.net/free-open-source-siri-project-sirius/ https://github.com/claritylab/lucida
- skills server using RASA core and story format described below to listen for hermes/nlu/intentParsed and take actions based on stories.
- web server with site for editing stories to generate rasa_nlu, rasa_core and snips stubs from a story.
The Hermes protocol is designed to allow a suite of services to implement spoken conversational dialogue
By splitting the stages of speech recognition into distinct services
- services can be swapped out for alternatives eg rasa dialogflow or snips NLU
- services are encouraged to be encapsulated knowing as little about other services as possible.
- some services (eg training) can distributed to higher power devices on the network
In general the services should
- minimise what they know about each other to a public api.
- be known by as few other services as possible
audioserver is used by - hotword (hermes/audioserver/+/audioFrame) - asr - tts (hermes/audioserver/playBytes)
dialog server uses all services except the audioserver
actionhandler interacts with dialog server via IN
- intent OUT
- sessionStart
- continueSession
The audio streamer continuously streams audio frames to the hotword server. It also acts on messages to play audio frames.
- hermes/hotword/detected?siteId=default
When a hotword is detected a message is sent that triggers the dialogue manager to stop the hotword, and start the ASR. The hotword detected message includes a siteId that is saved by the dialogue manager in a dict against the sessionId.
A sessionId is generated by the dialogue manager when the hotword is detected. It is used to track the dialogue session as it progresses through the various services.
- hermes/asr/textCaptured?sessionId
The dialog manager is responsible for managing the flow of speech input and output across the services. The default flow is hotword,asr,nlu,handler.
Dialogue manager could be extended to
- support flows including choosing from a list of intents or filling the value for a slot from predefined or free text values.
- support selection of loaded asr or nlu models.
In the current version,
- sessionId is passed universally at times
- siteId
- hotwordId
hermes/hotword/default/detected OR hermes/dialogue/startSession
- siteId
- customData
- {'type':'action|notification','text':''}
- text
- intentFilter extra params
- slot
- model
- capture = true/false
- hermes/audioserver/playFrames
- hermes/audioserver/audioFrame
- hermes/hotword//toggleOn?siteId
- hermes/hotword//toggleOn?siteId
- hermes/hotword//detected?siteId
- hermes/asr/startListening?siteId
- hermes/asr/stopListening?siteId
- hermes/asr/partialTextCaptured?text=?siteId
- hermes/asr/textCaptured?text=?siteId
- hermes/nlu/query?input?intentFilter?slot?model?fallback
- hermes/nlu/intentParsed
- hermes/nlu/partialQuery?input?intentName?slotName?model
- hermes/nlu/slotParsed
- hermes/tts/say
- asr/stopListening
- hotword/toggleOff
- asr/startListening
- nlu/query
- hermes/intent
- hermes/intent
- hermes/intent
- hermes/dialogue/startSession
- hermes/dialogue/continueSession
- hermes/training/start?trainingData?type=rasa_nlu,rasa_core,kaldi,snips
- hermes/training/complete?trainingResults
- hermes/training/missingModel?modelName?type
- hermes/training/start?trainingData
hermes/dialogue/say hermes/dialogue/ask hermes/dialogue/ask_slot hermes/dialogue/capture_slot
- foreach server
- python style - functions _, classNames titleCase,
- comments pylint
- constructor parameters and env vars consistency, remove some defaults replace with settings in docker-compose.yml
- remove snips references
Hi @David Leroy , to reply to your question on Slack. I want to write stories for rasa core that use naming conventions to trigger differing dialogue flows within the hermes protocol.
So an action starting with
- say will trigger hermes/tts/say and hermes/dialogue/endSession
- ask will trigger hermes/tts/say and then hermes/hotword/detected so that snips immediately listens for a reply.
- askslot will trigger hermes/nlu/partial to parse a raw slot value as a reply (and also hotword/detected)
- choose will trigger hermes/continueSession with an intentFilter (and also hotword/detected)
- capture will trigger hermes/asr/start and then use the raw transcript as the value for the slot
======================================================================================================= I'm wondering what people think about how to extend the dialog manager to support dialogue flows involving automatic listening, slot filling partial queries and raw slot capture (direct from ASR).
To be honest I haven't got a good handle on how the official snips works with partial queries and automatic listening (continueSession). I've ended up putting time into my open source version.
In my version of the dialogue manager I am supporting
- a capture parameter to trigger slot allocation on hermes/asr/textCaptured
- intentFilter
- slot - to trigger partial query
- fallbackIntent
Also not related to extended dialogue flows
- a model parameter to select between multiple loaded rasa NLU, rasa core and kaldi models.
- automatic distributed training (for rasa nlu/core/kaldi/snowboy/piwho)
I have a nearly complete implementation of this. Flooded for the next few weeks but dying to finish it as get back to more story writing for Meeka Music so it feels less like a verbal menu and more like a conversation (and move to from api.ai to raspberry pi locally supporting local music files)
The listening server https://github.com/syntithenai/opensnips/blob/develop/docker-images/rasa/snips_services/rasa_core_server.py
Rasa Action class to implement switching described above https://github.com/syntithenai/opensnips/blob/develop/docker-images/rasa/snips_services/snips_action.py
Extended Rasa Agent, Domain so that Rasa uses my action class. (There is also one change required in the core rasa repo that exists in my fork only for now to allow Factory injection) https://github.com/syntithenai/opensni GitHub syntithenai/opensnips opensnips - Open source implementation of the Hermes MQTT protocol combining hotword, speech recognition, natural language recogntion and a dialog manager supporting multiple devices.
GitHub syntithenai/opensnips opensnips - Open source implementation of the Hermes MQTT protocol combining hotword, speech recognition, natural language recogntion and a dialog manager supporting multiple devices.
@syntithenai that's great, binding with Rasa core's dialogue manager seems promising !
You should actually be able to use only the dialogueManager API without having to call other services, since the continueSession and endSession events both take an optional text arg that will trigger the TTS (used for say_ and ask_ actions) https://github.com/snipsco/snips-platform-documentation/wiki/5.-Build-rich-interactions#hermesdialoguemanagercontinuesession
Regarding your second point about how to better handle dialogue, we're currently working on it, the idea is to be able to provide two APIs:
- The current dialogueManager API that should allow to theoritically build any interaction
- A more "high level" API built on top the dialogueManager API that handles built-in dialogue features, at the assistant level ( Intent elicitation, assistant functionalities discovery, small talk) and intent level (template-based approach, e.g advanced slot elicitation with slot filling, confirmation, fallbackIntents, context carry over). This API would also expose state tracking abilities at the session level but also a state that is persisted across sessions. This API is obvisously a WIP, we'll let you know when it's out
Hi, I put this on the forum but it looks like most people are still using Discord so .... here too.
A React component providing a microphone that works with Snips so so any browser can be a Snips Satellite. https://github.com/syntithenai/opensnips/tree/master/snips-react-satellite
In the process of developing this I have collected a few questions (that I've noted in the repository).
My first topic is around the dialogueManager.
In summary, 0. Is the hermes/mqtt protocol proprietary?
- Any chance of open sourcing the dialogueManager? OR Does the Snips team support or object to the development of an open source implementation.
- Any suggestions why my snips-react-satellite component requires the start session boogie before the ASR will listen to me. GitHub syntithenai/opensnips Open source projects related to Snips https://snips.ai/. - syntithenai/opensnips
The dialogueManager is fussy about the order of events. To some extent it will log errors describing problems in the order of events but there are situations in which the dialogueManager remains silent and doesn't respond to messages on the mqtt bus (to my considerable frustration).
There are two entry points into the session process. startSession and hotwordDetected. startSession is the officially suggested approach for an application to initiate a session and additionally provides for sending customData.
Every request after the session is started includes the sessionId (or the siteId). If these variables don't match and existing session, the dialogueManager ignores the mqtt message. @Greg has raised the possibility of skipping the earlier stages of the session process and being able to send textCaptured from an application and this restriction prevents that.
@uchangi was noting that if you disable notifications, then playFinished is never sent and the session locks up so you need a dummy audioServer or hotwordServer if you disable those services.
I have had troubles using startSession from an arbitrary siteId and there is a hack in place for the microphone component to start and stop a session to 'initialise' the ASR.
I would like to be able to run multiple ASR and NLU models, inject piwho information ,and generally have more control over how the session works.
To support scaling for using Snips as part of a website, I believe that the mqtt topics will need to include something identifying the user to allow fine grained subscription. In my view it would be neat if each of the snips services just responded, eg asr/startListening and audioPackets should send textCaptured regardless of session status.
Something that would really help is extended docs with a little more clarity around how the dialogueManager works. In particular
- sayFinished must be sent before dialogueManager will send sessionEnded. (also playFinished)
- sessionId matching an active session must be provided for xxx/xxx/xxx messages
- siteId matching an active session must be provided for xxx/xxx/xxx messages
- any other requirements or notes to for alternative components to be compliant with Snips.
Is the hermes/mqtt protocol proprietary? In engaging the hacker community, it would be great if you could open source the dialogueManager. I haven't met Rust yet but I'm game. I see that allowing the community to extend on the hermes protocol will be vital in allowing people to develop applications.
As things stand, I see that I will need to create my own implementation of the dialogueManager to support my requirements.
What is the attitude of the Snips team to community implementations of the protocol? Will I find support out there to make sure that any open source components I develop are interchangable with Snips components or would I be better to vary the implementation sufficiently to avoid treading on toes. My inclination is to play nicely with the other kids in a sharing is better world but I don't want to violate anyone's copyright.
Hi @syntithenai , The DialogueManager is still evolving quite a lot, so we are not going to open source it short term. We are not at all opposed to the development of an open source alternative. It would actually be quite interesting to see how this "community version" builds up and evolves.