[email protected]
- 🚀 Installation
- 🛠 Usage
- 📚 Configuration References
- 🚢 Migrating From
- ⛵ Migrating From
- 🛶 Migrating From
⚠ This plugin relies on the new
method that cmae with Eleventy1.0.0
, see documentation for more.
Add eleventy-plugin-prismic
dependency to your project:
$ npm install --save-dev eleventy-plugin-prismic
# or with Yarn
$ yarn add --dev eleventy-plugin-prismic
Then open up your Eleventy config file (probably .eleventy.js
) and use the addPlugin
11ty 3+ ESM Version
import {
} from "eleventy-plugin-prismic";
// This is a sugar function that gives you intellisense and
// documentation in your IDE while defining plugin options.
const prismicPluginOptions = definePrismicPluginOptions({
endpoint: "your-repo-name",
// Optional, additional parameters to pass to the client
clientConfig: {
accessToken: "abc",
/* see configuration references for more */
const config = function (eleventyConfig) {
eleventyConfig.addPlugin(pluginPrismic, prismicPluginOptions);
// This format is important if you want to setup previews
// with the plugin.
config.prismicPluginOptions = prismicPluginOptions;
export default config;
const {
} = require("eleventy-plugin-prismic");
// This is a sugar function that gives you intellisense and
// documentation in your IDE while defining plugin options.
const prismicPluginOptions = definePrismicPluginOptions({
endpoint: "your-repo-name",
// Optional, additional parameters to pass to the client
clientConfig: {
accessToken: "abc",
/* see configuration references for more */
const config = function (eleventyConfig) {
eleventyConfig.addPlugin(pluginPrismic, prismicPluginOptions);
// This format is important if you want to setup previews
// with the plugin.
config.prismicPluginOptions = prismicPluginOptions;
module.exports = config;
Prismic previews are now available in Eleventy. To set them up, follow this process:
Configure an 11ty Serverless Bundler plugin instance inside your Prismic plugin options:
const prismicPluginOptions = definePrismicPluginOptions({ /* ... */ preview: { name: "preview", functionsDir: "./netlify/functions/", // More at: https://www.11ty.dev/docs/plugins/serverless/#step-1-add-the-bundler-plugin }, });
⚠ From now on, because we named our preview
we'll use/preview
in the following. For example, if you named itprismic-preview
instead, you'd have to use/prismic-preview
.⚠ Make sure you configure your Prismic plugin with either a Route Resolver or a Link Resolver (or both) to allow previews to redirect correctly.
Update your
to reflect your new 11ty Serverless function (following 11ty documentation):netlify/functions/preview/** !netlify/functions/preview/index.js
Update the generated serverless handler (in our example:
):const { prismicPreview } = require("eleventy-plugin-prismic"); const { prismicPluginOptions } = require("./eleventy.config.js"); require("./eleventy-bundler-modules.js"); const handler = async (event) => { // This function returns a Netlify `HandlerResponse` object feel // free to alter it to fit your function provider's interface. return await prismicPreview.handle( event.path, event.queryStringParameters, event.headers, prismicPluginOptions, ); }; exports.handler = handler;
Add the
shortcode at the end of your website layout (e.g../_includes/default.njk
):<!doctype html> <html lang="en"> <head><!-- ... --></head> <body> {{ content | safe }} {% toolbar %} </body> </html>
💡 This shortcode will inject Prismic toolbar script to your website only when running through 11ty Serverless. No worries, the script won't be injected outside of preview sessions on your website.
Update your permalinks to use your
as path prefix for 11ty Serverless:Singleton pages:
--- layout: default - permalink: "/about/" + permalink: + build: "/about/" + preview: "/preview/about/" --- ...
Paginated pages:
--- layout: default pagination: data: prismic.post size: 1 alias: post addAllPagesToCollections: true - permalink: "/post/{{post.uid}}/" + permalink: + build: "/post/{{post.uid}}/" + preview: "/preview/post/:uid/" --- ...
Set up previews within your Prismic repository:
Head to Settings > Previews > Manage your Previews and select Create a preview, then fill in the new preview configuration:
- Site Name: Up to you
- Domain for Your Application: Your site URL (
for Netlify Dev) - Link Resolver:
also works assuming you have it setup for your index page)
You're done 🎉
Previews should now be working transparently on your website.
By default the plugin only loads documents from the master locale defined on your Prismic repository. If you want to load documents from other locales you have to enable the i18n
option when defining the plugin options. This option will tell the plugin to load documents from all available locales:
const prismicPluginOptions = definePrismicPluginOptions({
/* ... */
i18n: true,
To later ease the templating process, you can also enable this options by providing a map of your locale codes to more convenient shortcuts (think of this alternative as a way to avoid the verbose prismic.post["en-us"]
accessor in your templates):
const prismicPluginOptions = definePrismicPluginOptions({
/* ... */
i18n: {
"en-us": "en", // `en-us` documents will be indexed at the `en` key instead
"fr-fr": "fr",
All data are injected under the prismic
global data object when launching Eleventy and available on all your templates:
{# ./index.njk #}
<h1>{% asText prismic.home.data.title %}</h1>
{# Use the built-in `log` filter to explore available data #}
{{ prismic.home.data | log }}
Pagination example:
{# ./blog/slug.njk #}
data: prismic.post
size: 1
alias: post
addAllPagesToCollections: true
permalink: "blog/{{ post.uid }}/"
<h1>{% asText post.data.title %}</h1>
{# Use the built-in `log` filter to explore available data #}
{{ post.data | log }}
If you're using the i18n
option, each documents get nested under their locale code, an additional __all
key is also made available to ease pagination:
{# ./index.njk #}
<h1>{% asText prismic.home["en-us"].data.title %}</h1>
{# Use the built-in `log` filter to explore available data #}
{{ prismic.home["en-us"].data | log }}
Pagination example:
{# ./blog/slug.njk #}
data: prismic.post.__all
size: 1
alias: post
addAllPagesToCollections: true
permalink: "blog/{{post.lang}}/{{ post.uid }}/"
<h1>{% asText post.data.title %}</h1>
{# Use the built-in `log` filter to explore available data #}
{{ post.data | log }}
Many shortcodes and paired shortcodes are made available inside your templates to help you with Prismic data templating.
By default shortcodes are unprefixed. You can provide a namespace when registering the Prismic plugin inside your .eleventy.js
config file using the shortcodesNamespace
options. Shortcodes will then be injected under the provided namespace like so: ${NAMESPACE}_${SHORTCODE_NAME}
Serializes a rich text field into a plain text string:
{% asText document.data.richtext %}
Renders to:
Hello World
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
Serializes a rich text field into an HTML string:
{% asHTML document.data.richtext %}
Renders to:
<h1>Hello World</h1>
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.</p>
Resolves a link field or document into an href
{% asLink document.data.link %}
<a href="{% asLink document.data.link %}">Example</a>
Renders to:
<a href="https://example.com">Example</a>
Formats a date or timestamp field with given format:
{% asDate document.data.date %}
{% asDate document.data.date, "MMMM YYYY" %}
Renders to:
April 2021
💡 Under the hood the plugin makes use of day.js, check their documentation for more format!
Displays a link field or document as link with the right attributes and accessibility options:
{% link document.data.link %}
{% endlink %}
{% link document.data.targetBlankLink %}
Blank target
{% endlink %}
{% link document %}
Current page
{% endlink %}
{% link document, { page: page } %}
Current page, when 11ty context is not available you can provide its `page` object manually (debug mode will warn you when necessary)
{% endlink %}
{% link document.data.link, "no-underline" %}
With class
{% endlink %}
{% link document.data.link, { class: "no-underline", "data-foo": "bar" } %}
With any attribute
{% endlink %}
Renders to:
<a href="https://example.com">
<a href="https://example.com" target="_blank" rel="noopener">
Blank target
<a href="/document" aria-current="page">
Current page
<a href="/document" aria-current="page">
Current page, when 11ty context is not available you can provide its `page` object manually (debug mode will warn you when necessary)
<a href="https://example.com" class="no-underline">
With class
<a href="https://example.com" class="no-underline" data-foo="bar">
With any attribute
Displays an image field, image manipulation can be performed through the imgixParams
option using Imgix URL parameters:
{% image document.data.image %}
{% image document.data.image, "block p-5" %}
{% image document.data.image, { class: "block p-5", width: "200px", loading: "lazy" } %}
{% image document.data.image, { imgixParams: { sat: 100 } } %}
{% image document.data.image, { widths: "defaults" } %}
{% image document.data.imageWithResponsiveViews, { widths: "thumbnails" } %}
{% image document.data.image, { widths: [500, 1000, 1500] } %}
{% image document.data.image, { pixelDensities: "defaults" } %}
{% image document.data.image, { pixelDensities: [3, 4] } %}
{% image document.data.image, { imgixParams: { sat: 100 }, widths: "thumbnails", class: "block p-5", loading: "lazy" } %}
Renders to:
<img alt="..." src="https://images.prismic.io/..." />
<img alt="..." src="https://images.prismic.io/..." class="block p-5" />
<img alt="..." src="https://images.prismic.io/..." class="block p-5" width="200px" loading="lazy" />
<img alt="..." src="https://images.prismic.io/...&sat=100" />
<img alt="..." src="https://images.prismic.io/..." srcset="https://images.prismic.io/...&width=640 640w, ..., https://images.prismic.io/...&width=3840 3840w" />
<img alt="..." src="https://images.prismic.io/..." srcset="https://images.prismic.io/...&width=640 600w, ..., https://images.prismic.io/...&width=1200 1200w" />
<img alt="..." src="https://images.prismic.io/..." srcset="https://images.prismic.io/...&dpr=1 1x, ..., https://images.prismic.io/...&dpr=3 3x" />
<img alt="..." src="https://images.prismic.io/..." srcset="https://images.prismic.io/...&dpr=3 3x, ..., https://images.prismic.io/...&dpr=4 4x" />
<img alt="..." src="https://images.prismic.io/...&sat=100" srcset="https://images.prismic.io/...&sat=100&width=640 640w, ..., https://images.prismic.io/...&sat=100&width=3840 3840w" class="block p-5" loading="lazy" />
💡 This shortcode is heavily inspired by
's image component. Its documentation can help you understand this shortcode more if needed: https://prismic.io/docs/technical-reference/prismicio-vue?version=v3#prismicimage
Displays an embed field:
{% embed document.data.embed %}
{% embed document.data.embed, "block p-5" %}
{% embed document.data.embed, { wrapper: "blockquote" } %}
{% embed document.data.embed, { wrapper: "blockquote", class: "block p-5", width: "200px" } %}
Renders to:
<div data-oembed="..." data-oembed-type="..." data-oembed-provider="...">
<!-- Embed HTML snippet -->
<div data-oembed="..." data-oembed-type="..." data-oembed-provider="..." class="block p-5">
<!-- Embed HTML snippet -->
<blockquote data-oembed="..." data-oembed-type="..." data-oembed-provider="...">
<!-- Embed HTML snippet -->
<blockquote data-oembed="..." data-oembed-type="..." data-oembed-provider="..." class="block p-5" width="200px">
<!-- Embed HTML snippet -->
Outputs Prismic toolbar script to the page only when running through 11ty Serverless Prismic preview handler. In your layout, before the body
closing tag:
{% toolbar %}
Checks if a field is filled or empty:
{% if isFilled.richText(document.data.richtext) %}
Rich Text field is not empty...
{% endif %}
{% if isFilled.image(document.data.image) %}
Image field is not empty...
{% endif %}
{# ... #}
📖 See @prismicio/helpers documentation for all
Like Eleventy, this plugin makes use of the debug package to log a lot of useful information. Get logs along Eleventy's debug logs:
# Installed globally
DEBUG=Eleventy* eleventy
# Installed locally
DEBUG=Eleventy* npx @11ty/eleventy
Or get just Prismic related logs:
# Installed globally
DEBUG=Eleventy:Prismic* eleventy
# Installed locally
DEBUG=Eleventy:Prismic* npx @11ty/eleventy
type PrismicPluginOptions = {
// You can provide your own client instance directly instead of using `endpoint` and `clientConfig`
client?: Client;
// Or just let the plugin create one from your repository endpoint or name
endpoint?: string;
// Additional parameters to pass to the client along the endpoint option
clientConfig?: ClientConfig;
// Optional list of custom types defined as singletons
singletons?: string[];
// An optional list of documents types to fetch, defaults to all
documentTypes?: string[];
// Indicates that the website will handle multiple locales, see the `i18n` section above
i18n?: boolean | Record<string, string>;
// See https://prismic.io/docs/core-concepts/link-resolver-route-resolver#link-resolver
linkResolver?: LinkResolverFunction;
// See https://prismic.io/docs/core-concepts/html-serializer
htmlSerializer?: HTMLFunctionSerializer | HTMLMapSerializer;
// Used to disable shortcodes injection, defaults to `true`
injectShortcodes?: boolean;
// An optional namespace to prefix injected shortcodes
shortcodesNamespace?: string;
// `eleventyConfig` method to use to inject shortcodes, defaults to `eleventyConfig.addShortcode`
shortcodesInjector?: EleventyShortcodeFunction;
// `eleventyConfig` method to use to inject paired shortcodes, defaults to `eleventyConfig.addPairedShortcode`
shortcodesPairedInjector?: EleventyPairedShortcodeFunction;
// `eleventyConfig` method to use to inject helper shortcodes, defaults to `eleventyConfig.addGlobalData`
shortcodesHelperInjector?: EleventyAddGlobalDataFunction;
// Value of the `rel` attribute on links with `target="_blank"` rendered by shortcodes, defaults to `noopener noreferrer`
linkBlankTargetRelAttribute?: string;
// Default widths to use when rendering an image with `{ widths: "defaults" }`, defaults to `@prismicio/helpers` defaults
imageWidthSrcSetDefaults?: number[];
// Default pixel densities to use when rendering an image with `{ pixelDensities: "defaults" }`, defaults to `@prismicio/helpers` defaults
imagePixelDensitySrcSetDefaults?: number[];
💡 See src/types.ts for comprehensive definition, don't be afraid to check it out! You don't actually need TypeScript knowledge to understand it~
i18n: false,
injectShortcodes: true,
shortcodesNamespace: "",
shortcodesInjector: eleventyConfig.addShortcode,
shortcodesPairedInjector: eleventyConfig.addPairedShortcode,
shortcodesHelperInjector: eleventyConfig.addGlobalData,
linkBlankTargetRelAttribute: "noopener noreferrer",
imageWidthSrcSetDefaults: [640, 828, 1200, 2048, 3840], // From `@prismicio/helpers`
imagePixelDensitySrcSetDefaults: [1, 2, 3], // From `@prismicio/helpers`
Version 1.x.x
changes the way classes and attributes are passed to shortcodes to support props.
Applying just a class remains the same:
{% shortcodeName document.data.field, "block p-5" %}
Applying attributes now requires passing an object instead of a tuple:
- {% shortcodeName document.data.field, "class", "block p-5", "data-foo", "bar" %}
+ {% shortcodeName document.data.field, { class: "block p-5", "data-foo": "bar" } %}
The embed
shortcode's optional wrapper
argument is now passed through the attribute object:
- {% embed document.data.embed, "blockquote" %}
+ {% embed document.data.embed, { wrapper: "blockquote" } %}
- {% embed document.data.embed, "blockquote", "block p-5" %}
+ {% embed document.data.embed, { wrapper: "blockquote", class: "block p-5" } %}
The link
paired shorcode's page
argument is removed. The plugin will try to resolve it automatically from 11ty context and warn you if it fails to do so (only when using debug mode). To mitigate such edge cases the page
argument can still be passed through the attribute object:
- {% link page, document.data.link %}
+ {% link document.data.link %}
# Edge cases only
- {% link page, document.data.link %}
+ {% link document.data.link, { page: page } %}
Version 0.2.x
now relies on Eleventy 1.0.0
or above, upgrade from Eleventy Beta or Canary to prevent any trouble:
$ npm install @11ty/eleventy@^1.0.0
It's also recommended to update your .eleventy.js
configuration file structure to export your prismicPluginOptions
alongside your Eleventy config function. This helps to ensure setting up previews will be straightforward should you decide to set them up:
const {
} = require("eleventy-plugin-prismic");
// Now outside of the function
const prismicPluginOptions = definePrismicPluginOptions(/* ... */);
const config = function (eleventyConfig) {
eleventyConfig.addPlugin(pluginPrismic, prismicPluginOptions);
// Attach your options to the function this way
config.prismicPluginOptions = prismicPluginOptions;
// Export everything
module.exports = config;
Version 0.1.x
changes package exports, pluginPrismic
is no longer exported as default
- const pluginPrismic = require("eleventy-plugin-prismic");
+ const { pluginPrismic } = require("eleventy-plugin-prismic");
Plugin options have also changed, to migrate you need to update the plugin configuration as follows:
// `client` has to be renamed to `endpoint`, optional configuration has to be moved to `clientConfig`
- client: "https://your-repo-name.cdn.prismic.io/api/v2",
+ endpoint: "https://your-repo-name.cdn.prismic.io/api/v2",
// Optional additional configuration provided to your client
+ clientConfig: { /* ... */ }
// `singletons` stays the same
singletons: ["settings"],
// `linkResolver` stays the same
linkResolver: yourLinkResolver,
// `htmlSerializer` stays the same
htmlSerializer: yourHTMLSerializer
// `shortcodes` has to be refactored
- shortcodes: {
- namespace: "foo",
- injector: eleventyConfig.addShortcode,
- pairedInjector: eleventyConfig.addPairedShortcode,
- link: {
- blankTargetRelAttribute: "noopener noreferrer"
- }
- },
// Set this to false to disable shortcodes injection
+ injectShortcodes: false,
// Shortcodes are now unprefixed by default, specify `"prismic"` here if you were using the default prefixed version from `0.0.x`
+ shortcodesNamespace: "foo",
// Injectors have been moved top level
+ shortcodesInjector: eleventyConfig.addShortcode,
+ shortcodesPairedInjector: eleventyConfig.addPairedShortcode,
// `rel` attribute value has been moved to top level
+ linkBlankTargetRelAttribute: "noopener noreferrer",
Finally the case of the asHTML
shortcodes has changed from asHtml
to asHTML
- {% asHtml document.data.richtext %}
+ {% asHTML document.data.richtext %}