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Casper onenonlycasper
just a simple geek, gaming enthusiast, and tech enthusiast...

TECH service & support LLC --and-- Ghost Grafix design San Diego, CA

Gregor Bosshard gregorbosshard

@CMInformatik Switzerland

Daniel Sogl danielsogl
"Walking on water and developing software from a specification are easy if both are frozen." - Edward V. Berard

@thinktecture Karlsruhe, Germany

Sven Hempke sweetnordic
IT-Pro DevOps with an addiction for games and music.

@dbsystel Germany

Suneth suneths
.NET Developer
Alexander Irrgang devlex-online
Indie Game Developer


Andrew NotTastyCupcake
C# backend developer


Vedant Phougat phougatv
Software Engineer

Gurgaon, India

Kenny Pflug feO2x
Senior Software Dev at GWVS mbH, author of Light.GuardClauses, loves .NET and C# Regensburg, Germany


Frankfurt, Germany

Daniel Müller dotnetgeek
Passionate about software architecture, domain driven design, Self-contained System and DevOps. Loves programming in .NET and sometimes in JS and Go
Mohammed Bilal mohammedbilalz92
Senior Software Developer


Michele Vinciguerra michele-vinciguerra

freelance software developer Frankfurt am Main

Joerg Primke jprimke

primsoft.NET Germany

GautamK Area6586


Oni sonitsuka
Seeking full-time junior Frontend Web Dev Job | React, HTML, CSS3, Bootstrap, Python, Node.js, JavaScript

[email protected] Berlin, Germany

hellodiama hellodiamalassana
Developer software & Hardware


Jon Kovach jonlk
Software Developer

United States

Ayaz koddist
Front-end Developer at @ImmoweltGroup

immowelt Hamburg