If you are using a *nix flavor (i.e. OS X/Mac, Linux, or Unix), let's make sure you have the correct Terminal shell set up.
- If you’re on a Mac:
- hit CMD+Space and type 'terminal'.
- Hit enter after selecting Terminal.
- If you're on Linux/Unix:
- open up the console or terminal application (it is assumed you already know how to do this).
- Type the following command and press enter:
echo $SHELL
- Does it read something similar to the following, ending in ‘bash’? If yes, you are good to go!
- If not, type the following command (note that those are back ticks, not single quotes) and press enter.
chsh -s `grep bash /etc/shells`
- Enter your password to authorize the change.
- Reopen the terminal or a new tab.
- Double-check the change using the echo command above to make sure it reflects the new shell path.