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Jovyan Popular Front

Prototyping UI and UX ideas for Jupyter notebooks (in Elm).

  • Whatever happened to the Popular Front?
  • He's over there
  • (in unison) SPLITTER!

(watch the full sketch from Life of Brian here)

Installation (user)

(TODO: this isn't a supported option at the moment)

Installation (for Popular Front development)

On any platform, get npm and run:

npm install -g elm

(Alternatively, you can get a binary installer for Mac and Windows).

Then, so long as the location where elm was installed is in your path, you can proceed.

Install the elm package dependencies.

elm-package install


Start up a elm-reactor, which will compile and serve the popular front, and recompile it if you make any changes to the elm code.


Navigate to http://localhost:8000/front.elm - where you should see the UI with a red bar at the top that says "Not connected".

Now start a jupyter notebook server, making sure to pass the allow_origin parameter which specifies the URL the elm-reactor is serving to, like so:

jupyter notebook --NotebookApp.allow_origin="http://localhost:8000" --NotebookApp.token='' --NotebookApp.password='' --NotebookApp.disable_check_xsrf=True

As of May 2018, there is no way to start a new kernel / session from the Popular Front User Interface, so go ahead and start one (or several) in the Jupyter interface, and they will be available in the dropdown at the top of Popular Front.

Common Failure modes

Message in browser javascript console when we can't connect:

Cross-Origin Request Blocked: The Same Origin Policy disallows reading the remote resource at http://localhost:8888/api/sessions?token=720230a0a6f60646c17c51f673405e86a9cbedab08eba10d. (Reason: CORS header ‘Access-Control-Allow-Origin’ missing).


GET http://localhost:8888/api/kernels/31004fe1-31cb-4529-9ff2-214c4abfc5fa/channels [HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden 6ms]
Firefox can’t establish a connection to the server at ws://localhost:8888/api/kernels/31004fe1-31cb-4529-9ff2-214c4abfc5fa/channels.

In the notebook server log:

[W 10:14:08.137 NotebookApp] Blocking Cross Origin API request for
/api/sessions.  Origin: http://localhost:8000, Host: localhost:8888]


[W 12:16:22.890 NotebookApp] Blocking Cross Origin WebSocket Attempt.  Origin: http://localhost:8000, Host: localhost:8888
[W 12:16:22.891 NotebookApp] 403 GET /api/kernels/31004fe1-31cb-4529-9ff2-214c4abfc5fa/channels (::1) 4.60ms referer=None

That's because we didn't start with allow origin. (jupyter notebook --NotebookApp.allow_origin="http://localhost:8000" or wherever the jovyan popular front is being served from).

TODO list

  • figure out how to get websocket connection from the jupyter sessions

  • enable cross-origin websockets [W 20:30:49.695 NotebookApp] Blocking Cross Origin API request for /api/kernels/08f00356-1bbc-45ef-99ca-8163462a5ee7. Origin: http://localhost:8000, Host: localhost:8888 [W 20:30:49.697 NotebookApp] 404 GET /api/kernels/08f00356-1bbc-45ef-99ca-8163462a5ee7 (::1) 2.02ms referer=None)]] nb --NotebookApp.allow_origin="http://localhost:8000" # start notebook server this way

    • idea: make a websocket backchannel...
  • let's send a kernel_info_request on initial load...

  • toggle raw and rendered message mode....

  • let's get the sessions object (across origins) and go from there... http://localhost:8888/api/sessions

  • make websocket port part of model

  • make server url + port part of model

  • specify server url + port in UI (assumes localhost)

  • fetch api/sessions on server url change (to see if connected)

    • timeout the fetching of api/sessions / deal with errors
  • specify whole connection URL in UI (via dropdown)

  • make a drop down for mime-types in display/execute_reply messages

  • prettify message rendering

  • - (minor) - leading 0 formatting for single digit time values

  • status - connected or not...

  • filter out status messages to their own queue (gets visually busy otherwise...)

    • like mailbox smart filter
  • "view raw" version of a message, once we get rendering done properly

  • specify the right channel for outgoing messages

    • [I 21:27:55.821 NotebookApp] Adapting to protocol v5.1 for kernel 57cd23b2-e6b1-4458-93ed-2c513b0442ca [W 21:28:19.603 NotebookApp] No channel specified, assuming shell
  • use wss? (secure websockets)

  • hook up arrow keys for changing message in focus

  • make simpler messages by type... (StatusMessage ....)

    • would make it easier to case switch on message types in rendering
  • link messages (threaded view)

  • remove message from the front, too (via one of the sliders)

  • - add notebook path to list, instead of kernel string

  • clear messages button...

  • display messages (mime-type drop down / attachment analogy

  • better formatting for UI messages (pretty)

  • save outgoing messages... inside our list, probably... -- or in a separate ("outgoing" queue) - so we don't have to encode them...

  • make a port for JSON.stringify and call it will null, 2...

    • nope, this will have to wait for later, elm-reactor doesn't support ports
  • after talk: clean up dependency on indexes for active message. too brittle.

  • make the outgoing execute request valid, so it parses back into a Jmsg

  • clearing messages should reset focus to Nothing

  • <- and -> arrows for incoming and outgoing messages

  • highlight current message

  • highlight parent message

  • highlight by message type

  • arrow keys to go through messages

  • timestamp on subject...

  • clear messages when switching kernels / notebooks

  • restart a kernel from the UI (for making changes)

  • rendering mime bundles on the page - using innerHtml property in virtualdom?

  • fix off by one error in msg + rawMsg stuff.

  • [p] use oneOf decoders for splitting message types

  • proper pre-flight xsrf token request handling

  • random seed input box (for reproducible testing)

  • Ctrl-C should send interrupt, not clear

  • send message when the cross origin stuff is not set up

  • and when the token is wrong (403)

  • support comm messages

  • message order editor (vi keys) x delete with 'd' or 'x' x paste with 'p' x copy with 'y' x undo with 'u' (ideally would be multi-level) x undo a clearallmessages action x undo a paste

  • scrolling for messages inside container

  • Cross-Origin Request Blocked: The Same Origin Policy disallows reading the remote resource at http://localhost:8888/api/kernels/e...49/interrupt?token=0... (Reason: expected ‘true’ in CORS header ‘Access-Control-Allow-Credentials’).)

  • change scroll position to make element visible

    • DOM.Scroll.toTop()
  • message filtering... based on regexp?

  • first message Unkown in "get fancy result"

  • set up a "focused" slider for changing focus of current message

  • export messages to json

  • import json message streams (for replay)

  • start a new session from PF UI

  • serve popular front as a jupyter serverextension

  • 'e' to edit portions of a message

  • export messages to JSON / Python formats (for replay or mock testing)

  • compose an outgoing queue of messages (order, timing optionally specified)

  • in-reply-to message highlighting / threading

  • up and down should only go through visible messages

  • v for visual mode to multi-select messages

  • click should not deselect by itself

  • make sequence diagram with each actor being one of the channels

  • bookend messages

  • unread message indicator

  • extract token from url and add it to the model

upstream cleanup

  • why do we have the same thing in msg_type in the header and in the raw thing...
  • ANSI escape codes in execute_reply when there are error messages