Renderer is basically a function run every time a cell is being rendered.
- Write a function based on the guidelines provided in the rendererSkeleton.js file,
- Define the renderer in your Handsontable configuration:
To apply it to every cell in Handsontable:
var hot = new Handsontable(container1, {
data: data,
renderer: yourRendererFunction
To apply it only to certain columns:
// This setup would apply your custom renderer only to the second table column.
var hot = new Handsontable(container1, {
data: data,
columns: [
{renderer: yourRendererFunction}
To apply it to certain cells:
// This setup would apply your custom renderer only to the cell at coordinates (1,1).
var hot = new Handsontable(container1, {
data: data,
cells: function(row, col, prop) {
if (row === 1 && col === 1) {
var cellProperties = {};
cellProperties.renderer = yourRendererFunction;
return cellProperties;
To read more about custom renderers, see our documentation: