- Add TLS environment variable :
Upgrade baseimage: osixia/light-baseimage:0.1.1
Rename environment variables
Fixes :
- OpenLdap container won't start when dhparam.pem is missing in bound volume #13
- Use light-baseimage
- Improve documentation
New features:
- Bootstrap config, only on non existing slapd config
- Limit max open file descriptors to fix slapd memory usage (#9)
- Don't disable network access from outside (#8)
- Make log level configurable via environment variable (#7)
- Support for ldaps (#10)
- Unable to start container with the following invocation. (#6)
New features:
- Add ldapi
- Add ldapi
- Add custom ldap schema
- Auto convert .schema to .ldif
Fixes :
- Docker VOLUME is not needed to be able to stop a container without losing data (#2)
- starting from old data (#3)
- New version initial release