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Using the MariaDB (MySQL) Backend
Our builds are based upon MariaDB client libraries since that is what Debian provides.
Support for the latest Oracle MySQLv8 version needs some extra attention.
If you insist to use MySQLv8 instead of MariaDB then create a user using an old password hashing method instead of the default one!
To use the MariaDB (MySQL) backend, you can either use the official Docker image or build your own binary with MySQL enabled.
To run the binary or container, ensure the DATABASE_URL
environment variable is set (i.e. DATABASE_URL='mysql://<user>:<password>@mysql/bitwarden'
Connection String Syntax:
If your password contains special characters, you will need to use percentage encoding.
! | # | $ | % | & | ' | ( | ) | * | + | , | / | : | ; | = | ? | @ | [ | ] |
%21 | %23 | %24 | %25 | %26 | %27 | %28 | %29 | %2A | %2B | %2C | %2F | %3A | %3B | %3D | %3F | %40 | %5B | %5D |
A complete list of codes can be found on Wikipedia page for percent encoding
##Example using Docker:
# Start a mysql container
docker run --name mysql --net <some-docker-network>\
-e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=<my-secret-pw>\
-e MYSQL_DATABASE=bitwarden\
-e MYSQL_USER=<bitwarden_user>\
-e MYSQL_PASSWORD=<bitwarden_pw> -d mysql:5.7
# Start bitwarden_rs with MySQL Env Vars set.
docker run -d --name bitwarden --net <some-docker-network>\
-v $(pwd)/bw-data/:/data/ -v <Path to ssl certs>:/ssl/\
-p 443:80 -e ROCKET_TLS='{certs="/ssl/<your ssl cert>",key="/ssl/<your ssl key>"}'\
-e RUST_BACKTRACE=1 -e DATABASE_URL='mysql://<bitwarden_user>:<bitwarden_pw>@mysql/bitwarden'\
-e ADMIN_TOKEN=<some_random_token_as_per_above_explanation>\
-e ENABLE_DB_WAL='false' <you bitwarden_rs image name>
Server IP/Port UN: dbuser / PW: yourpassword / DB: bitwarden
mysql://dbuser:[email protected]:3306/bitwarden
version: "3.7"
image: "mariadb"
container_name: "mariadb"
hostname: "mariadb"
restart: always
- ".env"
- "mariadb_vol:/var/lib/mysql"
- "/etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro"
- "MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=<my-secret-pw>"
- "MYSQL_PASSWORD=<bitwarden_pw>"
- "MYSQL_DATABASE=bitwarden_db"
- "MYSQL_USER=<bitwarden_user>"
image: "bitwardenrs/server:latest"
container_name: "bitwarden"
hostname: "bitwarden"
restart: always
- ".env"
- "bitwarden_vol:/data/"
## Had issues when using single parentheses around the mysql URL as in the plain docker example
- "DATABASE_URL=mysql://<bitwarden_user>:<bitwarden_pw>@mariadb/bitwarden_db"
- "ADMIN_TOKEN=<some_random_token_as_per_above_explanation>"
- "80:80"
- Create an new (empty) database for bitwarden_rs (Ensure the Charset and Collate are correct!):
CREATE DATABASE bitwarden_rs CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci;
2a. Create a new database user and grant rights to database (MariaDB, MySQL versions before v8):
CREATE USER 'bitwarden_rs'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'yourpassword';
GRANT ALL ON `bitwarden_rs`.* TO 'bitwarden_rs'@'localhost';
2b If you use MySQL v8.x you need to create the user like this:
-- Use this on MySQLv8 installations
CREATE USER 'bitwarden_rs'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY 'yourpassword';
GRANT ALL ON `bitwarden_rs`.* TO 'bitwarden_rs'@'localhost';
If you created the user already and want to change the password type:
-- Change password type from caching_sha2_password to native
ALTER USER 'bitwarden_rs'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY 'yourpassword';
You might want to try a restricted set of grants:
GRANT ALTER, CREATE, DELETE, DROP, INDEX, INSERT, SELECT, UPDATE ON `bitwarden_rs`.* TO 'bitwarden_rs'@'localhost';
An easy way of migrating from SQLite to MySQL has been described in this issue comment. The steps are repeated below. Please, note that you are using this at your own risk and you are strongly advised to backup your installation and data!
- First follow the steps 1 and 2 above
- Configure bitwarden_rs and start it, so diesel can run migrations and set up the schema properly. Do not do anything else.
- Stop bitwarden_rs.
- Dump your existing SQLite database using the following command. Double check the name of your sqlite database, default should be db.sqlite.
Note: You need the sqlite3 command installed on your Linux system.
We need to remove some queries from the output of the sqlite dump like create table etc.. we will do that here.
You either can use this one-liner:
sqlite3 db.sqlite3 .dump | grep "^INSERT INTO" | grep -v "__diesel_schema_migrations" > sqlitedump.sql ; echo -ne "SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0;\n$(cat sqlitedump.sql)" > mysqldump.sql
Or the following right after each other:
sqlite3 db.sqlite3 .dump | grep "^INSERT INTO" | grep -v "__diesel_schema_migrations" > sqlitedump.sql
echo "SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0;" > mysqldump.sql
cat sqlitedump.sql >> mysqldump.sql
- Load your MySQL dump:
mysql --force --password --user=bitwarden_rs --database=bitwarden_rs < mysqldump.sql
- Start bitwarden_rs again.
Note: Loading your MySQL dump with --show-warnings
will highlight that the datetime fields are getting truncated during the import which seems to be okay.
Note (Code 1265): Data truncated for column 'created_at' at row 1
Note (Code 1265): Data truncated for column 'updated_at' at row 1
Note1:Then error loading data mysqldump.sql Load error
error (1064): Syntax error near '"users" VALUES('9b5c2d13-8c4f-47e9-bd94-f0d7036ff581'*********)
sed -i 's#\"#\#g' mysqldump.sql
mysql --password --user=bitwarden_rs
use bitwarden_rs
source /bw-data/mysqldump.sql
- Which container image to use
- Starting a container
- Updating the vaultwarden image
- Using Docker Compose
- Using Podman
- Building your own docker image
- Building binary
- Pre-built binaries
- Third-party packages
- Deployment examples
- Proxy examples
- Logrotate example
- Overview
- Disable registration of new users
- Disable invitations
- Enabling admin page
- Disable the admin token
- Enabling WebSocket notifications
- Enabling Mobile Client push notification
- Enabling U2F and FIDO2 WebAuthn authentication
- Enabling YubiKey OTP authentication
- Changing persistent data location
- Changing the API request size limit
- Changing the number of workers
- SMTP configuration
- Translating the email templates
- Password hint display
- Disabling or overriding the Vault interface hosting
- Logging
- Creating a systemd service
- Syncing users from LDAP
- Using an alternate base dir (subdir/subpath)
- Other configuration