- __TEXT.__text: 0x21d30
- __TEXT.__auth_stubs: 0x550
+ __TEXT.__text: 0x11e58
+ __TEXT.__auth_stubs: 0x510
__TEXT.__objc_stubs: 0xce0
__TEXT.__objc_methlist: 0x620
- __TEXT.__const: 0xd0
- __TEXT.__cstring: 0x31a6
+ __TEXT.__cstring: 0x1262
__TEXT.__objc_methname: 0x17e7
- __TEXT.__oslogstring: 0x5063
__TEXT.__objc_classname: 0x19d
__TEXT.__objc_methtype: 0x89d
- __TEXT.__unwind_info: 0x1e8
- __DATA_CONST.__auth_got: 0x2b0
+ __TEXT.__const: 0xa0
+ __TEXT.__unwind_info: 0x1e0
+ __DATA_CONST.__auth_got: 0x290
__DATA_CONST.__got: 0xe8
__DATA_CONST.__const: 0x30
- __DATA_CONST.__cfstring: 0xba0
+ __DATA_CONST.__cfstring: 0xb20
__DATA_CONST.__objc_classlist: 0x40
__DATA_CONST.__objc_protolist: 0x28
__DATA_CONST.__objc_imageinfo: 0x8
__DATA.__objc_ivar: 0x2b4
__DATA.__objc_data: 0x280
__DATA.__data: 0x1e0
- __DATA.__common: 0x70
- /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/CoreFoundation
- /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreMedia.framework/CoreMedia
- /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreVideo.framework/CoreVideo
- /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Espresso.framework/Espresso
- /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib
- /usr/lib/libobjc.A.dylib
- Functions: 177
- Symbols: 124
- CStrings: 951
+ Functions: 174
+ Symbols: 120
+ CStrings: 552
+ _FigSignalErrorAt
+ _fig_log_get_emitter
- _FigSignalErrorAt3
- __os_log_send_and_compose_impl
- _fig_log_call_emit_and_clean_up_after_send_and_compose
- _fig_log_emitter_get_os_log_and_send_and_compose_flags_and_os_log_type
- _fig_note_initialize_category_with_default_work_cf
- _os_log_type_enabled
- "%!s(MISSING)%!s(MISSING)%!s(MISSING) signalled err=%!d(MISSING) (%!s(MISSING)) (%!s(MISSING)) at %!s(MISSING):%!d(MISSING)"
- "-[CMIDeepZoomLiteMetalStageV2 _cachedTexturesFromPixelBuffer:usage:]"
- "-[CMIDeepZoomLiteMetalStageV2 _compileShaders]"
- "-[CMIDeepZoomLiteMetalStageV2 _computeWeights:tileConfig:]"
- "-[CMIDeepZoomLiteMetalStageV2 _enhanceTile:with:inputWidth:inputHeight:commandBuffer:]"
- "-[CMIDeepZoomLiteMetalStageV2 _metalTextureFormatFromPixelBufferFormat:forPlane:]"
- "-[CMIDeepZoomLiteMetalStageV2 clearBuffer:]"
- "-[CMIDeepZoomLiteMetalStageV2 cutTilesFrom:to:params:outCommandBuffer:]"
- "-[CMIDeepZoomLiteMetalStageV2 initWithMetalContext:options:]"
- "-[CMIDeepZoomLiteMetalStageV2 pasteTilesFrom:with:inputFullPixelBuffers:to:params:outCommandBuffer:]"
- "-[CMIDeepZoomProcessorV2 _createOptionsDictionaryForTuningType:]"
- "-[CMIDeepZoomProcessorV2 _getTuningTypeStringForProcessingType:]"
- "-[CMIDeepZoomProcessorV2 clearOutputBuffer:]"
- "-[CMIDeepZoomProcessorV2 createInputTiles:atPosition:inputFullPixelBuffers:cmdBuffer:]"
- "-[CMIDeepZoomProcessorV2 finishProcessing]"
- "-[CMIDeepZoomProcessorV2 init]"
- "-[CMIDeepZoomProcessorV2 prepareToProcess:]"
- "-[CMIDeepZoomProcessorV2 setZoomFactor:]"
- "-[CMIDeepZoomProcessorV2 writeOutputTiles:atPosition:outputPixelBuffer:inputTilePixelBuffers:inputFullPixelBuffers:cmdBuffer:]"
- "-[CMIDeepZoomStandardMetalStageV2 _cachedTexturesFromPixelBuffer:usage:]"
- "-[CMIDeepZoomStandardMetalStageV2 _compileShaders]"
- "-[CMIDeepZoomStandardMetalStageV2 _computeWeights:tileConfig:]"
- "-[CMIDeepZoomStandardMetalStageV2 _metalTextureFormatFromPixelBufferFormat:forPlane:]"
- "-[CMIDeepZoomStandardMetalStageV2 clearBuffer:]"
- "-[CMIDeepZoomStandardMetalStageV2 cutTilesFrom:to:params:outCommandBuffer:]"
- "-[CMIDeepZoomStandardMetalStageV2 initWithMetalContext:options:]"
- "-[CMIDeepZoomStandardMetalStageV2 pasteTilesFrom:with:inputFullPixelBuffers:to:params:outCommandBuffer:]"
- "-[CMIDeepZoomStandardPostProcMetalStageV2 _allocateResourcesTileWidth:tileHeight:]"
- "-[CMIDeepZoomStandardPostProcMetalStageV2 _applyGaussianFilterRowGather:texOutput:kernelSize:width:height:isLuma:cmdEnc:]"
- "-[CMIDeepZoomStandardPostProcMetalStageV2 _applyGaussianFilterRowYUV420:texInputChroma:texOutputLuma:texOutputChroma:kernelSize:width:height:cmdEnc:]"
- "-[CMIDeepZoomStandardPostProcMetalStageV2 _compileShaders]"
- "-[CMIDeepZoomStandardPostProcMetalStageV2 configureLumaGainLUT:]"
- "-[CMIDeepZoomStandardPostProcMetalStageV2 initWithMetalContext:withTileConfiguration:]"
- "-[CMIDeepZoomStandardPostProcMetalStageV2 processTileFrom:with:to:commandBuffer:]"
- "-[CMIDeepZoomTransferComputeLocalHomographyConfig readPlist:]"
- "-[CMIDeepZoomTransferMetalStageV2 _cachedTexturesFromPixelBuffer:usage:]"
- "-[CMIDeepZoomTransferMetalStageV2 _compileShaders]"
- "-[CMIDeepZoomTransferMetalStageV2 _computeLocalHomographies:params:]"
- "-[CMIDeepZoomTransferMetalStageV2 _computeWeights:tileConfig:]"
- "-[CMIDeepZoomTransferMetalStageV2 _metalTextureFormatFromPixelBufferFormat:forPlane:]"
- "-[CMIDeepZoomTransferMetalStageV2 clearBuffer:]"
- "-[CMIDeepZoomTransferMetalStageV2 cutTilesFrom:to:params:outCommandBuffer:]"
- "-[CMIDeepZoomTransferMetalStageV2 initWithMetalContext:options:]"
- "-[CMIDeepZoomTransferMetalStageV2 pasteTilesFrom:with:inputFullPixelBuffers:to:params:outCommandBuffer:]"
- "-[CMIDeepZoomTransferPostProcMetalStageV2 _allocateResourcesTileWidth:tileHeight:]"
- "-[CMIDeepZoomTransferPostProcMetalStageV2 _applyGaussianFilterRowGather:texOutput:kernelSize:width:height:isLuma:cmdEnc:]"
- "-[CMIDeepZoomTransferPostProcMetalStageV2 _applyGaussianFilterRowYUV420:texInputChroma:texOutputLuma:texOutputChroma:kernelSize:width:height:cmdEnc:]"
- "-[CMIDeepZoomTransferPostProcMetalStageV2 _compileShaders]"
- "-[CMIDeepZoomTransferPostProcMetalStageV2 initWithMetalContext:withTileConfiguration:]"
- "-[CMIDeepZoomTransferPostProcMetalStageV2 processTileFrom:with:to:commandBuffer:]"
- "-[CMIDeepZoomTransferPreProcMetalStageV2 _cachedTexturesFromPixelBuffer:usage:]"
- "-[CMIDeepZoomTransferPreProcMetalStageV2 _compileShaders]"
- "-[CMIDeepZoomTransferPreProcMetalStageV2 _computeHomography:referenceKeypoints:nonReferenceKeypoints:keypointsTileSize:keypointsTileStride:keypointsValidCount:keypointMask:tileIndex:]"
- "-[CMIDeepZoomTransferPreProcMetalStageV2 _computeOpticalFlowWithReferencePixelBuffer:referenceMetadata:nonReferencePixelBuffer:nonReferenceMetadata:referenceNormalizedCropRectangle:nonReferenceNormalizedCropRectangle:tileCount:]"
- "-[CMIDeepZoomTransferPreProcMetalStageV2 _computeTileAverageLocalHomography:opticalFlowSize:inputSize:keypointsSize:opticalFlowAddress:opticalFlowBytesPerRow:computeLocalHomographiesConfig:tileIndex:]"
- "-[CMIDeepZoomTransferPreProcMetalStageV2 _copyInputOpticalFlowPixelBuffer:to:inputNormalizedCropRectangle:inputGlobalHomography:]"
- "-[CMIDeepZoomTransferPreProcMetalStageV2 _copyOutputOpticalFlowPixelBuffer]"
- "-[CMIDeepZoomTransferPreProcMetalStageV2 _getNetworkFullName:]"
- "-[CMIDeepZoomTransferPreProcMetalStageV2 _initOpticalFlow]"
- "-[CMIDeepZoomTransferPreProcMetalStageV2 _metalTextureFormatFromPixelBufferFormat:forPlane:]"
- "-[CMIDeepZoomTransferPreProcMetalStageV2 _purgeResources]"
- "-[CMIDeepZoomTransferPreProcMetalStageV2 _termOpticalFlow]"
- "-[CMIDeepZoomTransferPreProcMetalStageV2 computeLocalHomographies:referencePixelBuffer:referenceMetadata:nonReferencePixelBuffer:nonReferenceMetadata:referenceNormalizedCropRectangle:nonReferenceNormalizedCropRectangle:computeLocalHomographiesConfig:tileCount:tileIndex:]"
- "-[CMIDeepZoomTransferPreProcMetalStageV2 initWithMetalContext:withTileConfiguration:]"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomLiteMetalStage >>>>"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomLiteMetalStage >>>> %!s(MISSING): MetalContext not provided, allocating one"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomLiteMetalStage >>>> %!s(MISSING): Pixel buffer %!c(MISSING)%!c(MISSING)%!c(MISSING)%!c(MISSING) format not supported"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomLiteMetalStage >>>> %!s(MISSING): Unable to bind destination pixel buffer textures"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomLiteMetalStage >>>> %!s(MISSING): Unable to bind destination tile pixel buffer textures"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomLiteMetalStage >>>> %!s(MISSING): Unable to bind input kernels tile pixel buffer textures"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomLiteMetalStage >>>> %!s(MISSING): Unable to bind input pixel buffer textures"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomLiteMetalStage >>>> %!s(MISSING): Unable to bind input tile pixel buffer textures"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomLiteMetalStage >>>> %!s(MISSING): Unable to bind output tile pixel buffer textures"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomLiteMetalStage >>>> %!s(MISSING): Unable to bind pixel buffer textures"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomLiteMetalStage >>>> %!s(MISSING): Unable to bind source pixel buffer textures"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomLiteMetalStage >>>> %!s(MISSING): Unable to bind tile input weights pixel buffer to a metal texture"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomLiteMetalStage >>>> %!s(MISSING): Unable to cache pixel buffer texture"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomLiteMetalStage >>>> %!s(MISSING): Unable to compile deep zoom shaders"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomLiteMetalStage >>>> %!s(MISSING): Unable to compute the weights"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomLiteMetalStage >>>> %!s(MISSING): Unable to create a metal texture cache"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomLiteMetalStage >>>> %!s(MISSING): Unable to create a tile weights pixel buffer"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomLiteMetalStage >>>> %!s(MISSING): Unable to create an output tile pixel buffer"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomLiteMetalStage >>>> %!s(MISSING): Unable to get metal texture address"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomLiteMetalStage >>>> %!s(MISSING): _commandQueues is nil"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomLiteMetalStage >>>> %!s(MISSING): inferenceResultTilePixelBuffers is emptu"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomLiteMetalStage >>>> %!s(MISSING): inputFullPixelBuffers is empty"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomLiteMetalStage >>>> %!s(MISSING): inputKernelsTileTexture is nil"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomLiteMetalStage >>>> %!s(MISSING): inputTileLumaTexture is nil"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomLiteMetalStage >>>> %!s(MISSING): inputTilePixelBuffers is empty"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomLiteMetalStage >>>> %!s(MISSING): metalContext is nil"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomLiteMetalStage >>>> %!s(MISSING): outputPixelBuffer is NULL"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomLiteMetalStage >>>> %!s(MISSING): outputTilePixelBuffers is empty"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomLiteMetalStage >>>> %!s(MISSING): params is NULL"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomLiteMetalStage >>>> %!s(MISSING): pixelBuffer is NULL"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomLiteMetalStage >>>> %!s(MISSING): smoothStepSumCornerXY is NULL"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomLiteMetalStage >>>> %!s(MISSING): smoothStepX is NULL"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomLiteMetalStage >>>> %!s(MISSING): smoothStepY is NULL"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomLiteMetalStage >>>> %!s(MISSING): textures is nil"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomLiteMetalStage >>>> %!s(MISSING): tileConfig is NULL"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomPostProcMetalStageV2 >>>>"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomPostProcMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): Failed to adjust luma gain map"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomPostProcMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): Failed to allocate resources"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomPostProcMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): Failed to apply 21x21 gaussian filter pass 1"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomPostProcMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): Failed to apply 21x21 gaussian filter pass 2"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomPostProcMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): Failed to apply 5x5 gaussian filter pass 1"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomPostProcMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): Failed to apply 5x5 gaussian filter pass 2"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomPostProcMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): Failed to apply gaussian filter on chroma"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomPostProcMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): Failed to apply gaussian filter on luma"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomPostProcMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): Failed to assemble residual texture for processing"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomPostProcMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): Failed to blend noise"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomPostProcMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): Failed to remove low frequency diff"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomPostProcMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): Kernel size %!d(MISSING) is not supported."
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomPostProcMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): MetalContext not provided, allocating one"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomPostProcMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): Unable to compile deep zoom post processing shaders"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomPostProcMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): inputResidualTileTextures is nil"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomPostProcMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): inputTileTextures is nil"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomPostProcMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): metalContext is nil"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomPostProcMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): output is nil"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomPostProcMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): params is NULL"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomPostProcMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): tile size must be multiple of 16"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomPostProcMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): tile size must not be 0"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomPostProcMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): tileConfig is nil"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomPostProcMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): tileConfig size width or height is 0"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomPreProcMetalStageV2 >>>>"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomPreProcMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): (%!d(MISSING), %!d(MISSING)) : dX = %!f(MISSING), dY = %!f(MISSING), dxMax = %!f(MISSING), dXabs = %!f(MISSING), weight = %!f(MISSING)"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomPreProcMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): Iter #: %!d(MISSING), inlier ratio: %!f(MISSING)"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomPreProcMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): MetalContext not provided, allocating one"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomPreProcMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): Number of valid keypoints does not match"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomPreProcMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): Pixel buffer %!c(MISSING)%!c(MISSING)%!c(MISSING)%!c(MISSING) format not supported"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomPreProcMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): Unable to add espresso network"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomPreProcMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): Unable to bind espresso intermediate non reference optical flow input buffer"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomPreProcMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): Unable to bind espresso intermediate output optical flow buffer"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomPreProcMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): Unable to bind espresso intermediate reference optical flow input buffer"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomPreProcMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): Unable to build espresso plan"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomPreProcMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): Unable to cache pixel buffer texture"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomPreProcMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): Unable to compile deep zoom pre processing shaders"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomPreProcMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): Unable to compute homography"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomPreProcMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): Unable to compute local homography for large motion"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomPreProcMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): Unable to compute local homography for small motion"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomPreProcMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): Unable to compute optical flow"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomPreProcMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): Unable to copy intermediate input non reference pixel buffer"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomPreProcMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): Unable to copy intermediate input reference pixel buffer"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomPreProcMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): Unable to copy output optical flow pixel buffer"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomPreProcMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): Unable to create a metal texture cache"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomPreProcMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): Unable to create a pixel buffer"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomPreProcMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): Unable to create an intermediate input pixel buffer"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomPreProcMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): Unable to destroy espresso context"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomPreProcMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): Unable to destroy espresso plan"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomPreProcMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): Unable to get metal texture address"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomPreProcMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): Unable to initialize optical flow inference"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomPreProcMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): Unable to lock optical flow pixel buffer"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomPreProcMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): Unable to query blob informations"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomPreProcMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): Unable to run espresso plan"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomPreProcMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): Unable to terminate optical flow"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomPreProcMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): _computeTileAverageLocalHomography failed with error = %!d(MISSING)"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomPreProcMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): _espressoContext is NULL"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomPreProcMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): _espressoPlan is NULL"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomPreProcMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): _opticalOutputFlowIntermediatePixelBuffer is NULL"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomPreProcMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): _opticalOutputFlowPixelBuffer is NULL"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomPreProcMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): _pipelineStates[COPY_OPTICAL_FLOW_INPUT_RGB_FLOAT16] is nil"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomPreProcMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): _pipelineStates[COPY_OPTICAL_FLOW_INPUT_RGB_UINT8] is nil"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomPreProcMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): _pipelineStates[COPY_OPTICAL_FLOW_OUTPUT] is nil"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomPreProcMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): _regwarpCPU is nil"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomPreProcMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): availableImagingNetworks is nil"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomPreProcMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): bundle is nil"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomPreProcMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): commandEncoder is nil"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomPreProcMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): computedHomography is nil"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomPreProcMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): contentsOfImagingNetworksDirectory is nil"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomPreProcMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): deviceID is nil"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomPreProcMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): dxMean = %!f(MISSING), dyMean = %!f(MISSING), sumWeights = %!f(MISSING) (Weighted average)"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomPreProcMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): dxPoints cannot be nil"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomPreProcMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): dyPoints cannot be nil"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomPreProcMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): inputNonReferenceMetadata is nil"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomPreProcMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): inputNonReferenceNormalizedCropRectangle is NULL"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomPreProcMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): inputNonReferencePixelBuffer is NULL"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomPreProcMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): inputPixelBuffer is NULL"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomPreProcMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): inputReferenceMetadata is nil"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomPreProcMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): inputReferenceNormalizedCropRectangle is NULL"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomPreProcMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): inputReferencePixelBuffer is NULL"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomPreProcMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): inputTextures count is invalid"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomPreProcMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): inputWidth is expected to be higher or equal than inputHeight"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomPreProcMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): keypointsTileSize is 0"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomPreProcMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): keypointsTileStride is 0"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomPreProcMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): keypointsValidCount is 0"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomPreProcMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): metalContext is nil"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomPreProcMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): mrflownet network not found"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomPreProcMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): nonRefKeypointsBuffer is nil"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomPreProcMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): nonRefTileKeypoints is NULL"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomPreProcMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): nonReferenceKeypoints is NULL"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomPreProcMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): opticalFlowAddress is NULL"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomPreProcMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): outputHomography is NULL"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomPreProcMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): outputLocalHomographies is nil"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomPreProcMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): outputPixelBuffer is NULL"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomPreProcMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): outputTextures count is invalid"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomPreProcMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): pixelBuffer is NULL"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomPreProcMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): platformID is nil"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomPreProcMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): platformRegExpForE5 is nil"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomPreProcMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): platformRegExpForV1 is nil"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomPreProcMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): refKeypointsBuffer is nil"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomPreProcMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): refTileKeypoints is NULL"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomPreProcMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): referenceKeypoints is NULL"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomPreProcMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): regNonRefKeyPoints is nil"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomPreProcMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): regNonRefKeyPointsFiltered is nil"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomPreProcMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): regRefKeyPoints is nil"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomPreProcMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): regRefKeyPointsFiltered is nil"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomPreProcMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): textures is nil"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomPreProcMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): tileConfig is nil"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomPreProcMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): tileConfig size width or height is 0"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomPreProcMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): tileCount is 0"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomPreProcMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): tileIndex >= tileCount"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomProcessorV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): Clear pixel buffer"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomProcessorV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): Cut tile at position (%!d(MISSING),%!d(MISSING))"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomProcessorV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): Deep Zoom Lite can only process 2.0x zoom."
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomProcessorV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): Failed to create a metal context"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomProcessorV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): Failed to init deep zoom metal processor"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomProcessorV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): Failed to match procssing type to tuning type"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomProcessorV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): Finish processing"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomProcessorV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): Input ROI = (x=%!d(MISSING),y=%!d(MISSING),w=%!d(MISSING),h=%!d(MISSING))"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomProcessorV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): Number of luma Gain x coef is not 4"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomProcessorV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): Number of luma Gain y coef is not 4"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomProcessorV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): Only lite/standard/transfer deep zoom are supported"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomProcessorV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): Paste tile at position (%!d(MISSING),%!d(MISSING))"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomProcessorV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): Set zoom factor to (%!f(MISSING),%!f(MISSING))"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomProcessorV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): Tile count = (%!d(MISSING),%!d(MISSING))"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomProcessorV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): Unable to clear output pixel buffer"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomProcessorV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): Unable to configure post processing"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomProcessorV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): Unable to cut a tile"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomProcessorV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): Unable to initialize a deep zoom processor instance"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomProcessorV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): Unable to paste a tile"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomProcessorV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): Unknown processingType %!d(MISSING)"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomProcessorV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): _deepZoomMetalStage is nil"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomProcessorV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): _portType is nil"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomProcessorV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): inputFullPixelBuffers is empty"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomProcessorV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): inputPixelBuffer is NULL"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomProcessorV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): inputROI size can not be 0"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomProcessorV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): inputTilePixelBuffers is empty"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomProcessorV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): mtlCommandBuffer is nil"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomProcessorV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): pixelBuffer is NULL"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomProcessorV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): tilePixelBuffers is empty"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomProcessorV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): type = %!s(MISSING)"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomProcessorV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): zoomFactor can not be 0"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomStandardMetalStageV2 >>>>"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomStandardMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): MetalContext not provided, allocating one"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomStandardMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): Pixel buffer %!c(MISSING)%!c(MISSING)%!c(MISSING)%!c(MISSING) format not supported"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomStandardMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): Unable to bind destination output enhanced tile pixel buffer textures"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomStandardMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): Unable to bind destination output tile pixel buffer textures"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomStandardMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): Unable to bind destination pixel buffer textures"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomStandardMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): Unable to bind destination tile pixel buffer textures"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomStandardMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): Unable to bind input residual tile pixel buffer textures"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomStandardMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): Unable to bind input tile pixel buffer textures"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomStandardMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): Unable to bind pixel buffer textures"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomStandardMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): Unable to bind source pixel buffer textures"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomStandardMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): Unable to bind tile input weights pixel buffer to a metal texture"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomStandardMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): Unable to cache pixel buffer texture"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomStandardMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): Unable to compile deep zoom shaders"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomStandardMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): Unable to compute the weights"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomStandardMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): Unable to create a deep zoom post processing metal stage instance"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomStandardMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): Unable to create a metal texture cache"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomStandardMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): Unable to create a tile weights pixel buffer"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomStandardMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): Unable to create an enhanced output tile pixel buffer"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomStandardMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): Unable to create an output tile pixel buffer"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomStandardMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): Unable to get metal texture address"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomStandardMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): Unable to post process a tile"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomStandardMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): _commandQueues is nil"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomStandardMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): inferenceResultTilePixelBuffers is empty"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomStandardMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): inputFullPixelBuffers is empty"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomStandardMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): inputPixelBuffers is empty"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomStandardMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): inputTilePixelBuffers is empty"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomStandardMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): metalContext is nil"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomStandardMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): outputPixelBuffer is NULL"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomStandardMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): outputTilePixelBuffers is empty"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomStandardMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): params is NULL"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomStandardMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): pixelBuffer is NULL"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomStandardMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): smoothStepSumCornerXY is NULL"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomStandardMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): smoothStepX is NULL"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomStandardMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): smoothStepY is NULL"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomStandardMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): textures is nil"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomStandardMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): tileConfig is NULL"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomTransferMetalStageV2 >>>>"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomTransferMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): ComputeLocalHomographyConfig readPlist failed with err=%!d(MISSING)"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomTransferMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): Invalid local homography"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomTransferMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): MetalContext not provided, allocating one"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomTransferMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): Pixel buffer %!c(MISSING)%!c(MISSING)%!c(MISSING)%!c(MISSING) format not supported"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomTransferMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): Unable to bind destination output enhanced tile pixel buffer textures"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomTransferMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): Unable to bind destination output tile pixel buffer textures"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomTransferMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): Unable to bind destination pixel buffer textures"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomTransferMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): Unable to bind destination tile pixel buffer textures"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomTransferMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): Unable to bind input residual tile pixel buffer textures"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomTransferMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): Unable to bind input tile pixel buffer textures"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomTransferMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): Unable to bind pixel buffer textures"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomTransferMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): Unable to bind source pixel buffer textures"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomTransferMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): Unable to bind tile input weights pixel buffer to a metal texture"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomTransferMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): Unable to cache pixel buffer plane %!d(MISSING) texture"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomTransferMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): Unable to cache pixel buffer plane %!d(MISSING), slice %!d(MISSING) texture"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomTransferMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): Unable to compile deep zoom shaders"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomTransferMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): Unable to compute local homographies in pre processing stage"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomTransferMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): Unable to compute local homographies per tile"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomTransferMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): Unable to compute the weights"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomTransferMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): Unable to create a deep zoom post processing metal stage instance"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomTransferMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): Unable to create a deep zoom pre processing metal stage instance"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomTransferMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): Unable to create a metal texture cache"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomTransferMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): Unable to create a tile weights pixel buffer"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomTransferMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): Unable to create an enhanced output tile pixel buffer"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomTransferMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): Unable to create an output tile pixel buffer"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomTransferMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): Unable to get metal texture address"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomTransferMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): Unable to post process a tile"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomTransferMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): Unknown network type %!d(MISSING)"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomTransferMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): _commandQueues is nil"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomTransferMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): _dxPoints and _dyPoints cannot have different count"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomTransferMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): _dxPoints size cannot be 0"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomTransferMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): _localHomographiesTable count is invalid"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomTransferMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): _localHomographiesTable is nil"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomTransferMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): _metadataForPixelBuffers is nil"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomTransferMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): inferenceResultTilePixelBuffers is empty"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomTransferMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): inputFullPixelBuffers buffer count is !=2 "
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomTransferMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): inputFullPixelBuffers is empty"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomTransferMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): inputPixelBuffers should be 2"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomTransferMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): inputTilePixelBuffers is empty"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomTransferMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): metalContext is nil"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomTransferMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): outputPixelBuffer is NULL"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomTransferMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): outputTilePixelBuffers is empty"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomTransferMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): params is NULL"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomTransferMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): pixelBuffer is NULL"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomTransferMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): smoothStepSumCornerXY is NULL"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomTransferMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): smoothStepX is NULL"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomTransferMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): smoothStepY is NULL"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomTransferMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): textures is nil"
- "<<<< CMIDeepZoomTransferMetalStageV2 >>>> %!s(MISSING): tileConfig is NULL"
- "_clearTexturePipelineState is NULL"
- "_lumaBlendMask is NULL"
- "_lumaBlendMaskTemp1 is NULL"
- "_lumaBlendMaskTemp2 is NULL"
- "_lumaGainLUTBuffer is NULL"
- "_pipelineStates[ASSEMBLE_RESIDUAL] is NULL"
- "_pipelineStates[BLEND_ENHANCED] is NULL"
- "_pipelineStates[COMPUTE_DETAIL] is NULL"
- "_pipelineStates[COMPUTE_DETAIL_GAIN_MAP] is NULL"
- "_pipelineStates[DOWNSAMPLE] is NULL"
- "_pipelineStates[DOWNSAMPLE_2X_LUMA_LUT] is NULL"
- "_pipelineStates[GAUSSIAN11_ROW_GATHER_XY] is NULL"
- "_pipelineStates[GAUSSIAN15_ROW_GATHER_XY] is NULL"
- "_pipelineStates[GAUSSIAN17_ROW_GATHER] is NULL"
- "_pipelineStates[GAUSSIAN21_ROW_GATHER] is NULL"
- "_pipelineStates[GAUSSIAN29_ROW_GATHER] is NULL"
- "_pipelineStates[GAUSSIAN3_ROW_GATHER] is NULL"
- "_pipelineStates[GAUSSIAN3_ROW_GATHER_XY] is NULL"
- "_pipelineStates[GAUSSIAN5_ROW_GATHER] is NULL"
- "_pipelineStates[GAUSSIAN9_ROW_GATHER_XY] is NULL"
- "_pipelineStates[MAX_FILTER_H] is NULL"
- "_pipelineStates[MAX_FILTER_H_XY] is NULL"
- "_pipelineStates[MODULATE_STRENGTH] is NULL"
- "_pipelineStates[REDUCE_LOW_FREQ_DIFF] is NULL"
- "_pipelineStates[UPSAMPLE] is NULL"
- "_pipelineStates[UPSAMPLE_2X_ADJUST_LUMA_GAIN] is NULL"
- "_pipelineStates[YUV444SLICESTO420] is NULL"
- "_pipelineStates[YUV444TO420] is NULL"
- "_tileBlendEnhancedPipelineState is NULL"
- "_tileChroma1Flipped is NULL"
- "_tileChromaTemp1 is NULL"
- "_tileComputeMaskPipelineState is NULL"
- "_tileCutBicubicSamplerState is NULL"
- "_tileCutBilinearSamplerState is NULL"
- "_tileCutInSlicesPipelineState is NULL"
- "_tileCutPipelineState is NULL"
- "_tileEnhancePipelineState is NULL"
- "_tileEnhancedChroma is NULL"
- "_tileEnhancedIntermediateLumaTexture is NULL"
- "_tileEnhancedLFChroma is NULL"
- "_tileEnhancedLFLuma is NULL"
- "_tileEnhancedLuma is NULL"
- "_tileEnhancedLumaTexture is NULL"
- "_tileGaussian5x5PipelineState is NULL"
- "_tileLuma1Flipped is NULL"
- "_tileLumaTemp1 is NULL"
- "_tileLumaTemp2 is NULL"
- "_tileMaskFlippedTexture is NULL"
- "_tileMaskTexture is NULL"
- "_tileMergePipelineState is NULL"
- "_tilePaste2xFullChromaPipelineState is NULL"
- "_tilePastePipelineState is NULL"
- "_tileSourceChroma is NULL"
- "_tileSourceLPChroma is NULL"
- "_tileSourceLPLuma is NULL"
- "_tileSourceLuma is NULL"
- "commandBuffer is NULL"
- "computeEncoder is NULL"
- "deepzoommetalstage_trace"
- "deepzoompostprocmetalstage_trace"
- "deepzoompreprocmetalstage_trace"
- "deepzoomprocessor_trace"
- "lite"
- "samplerDescriptor is NULL"
- "standard"
- "td is NULL"
- "transfer"