For LoRA training, specify --training_type lora
. For full finetuning, specify --training_type full-finetune
export WANDB_MODE="offline"
# Model arguments
model_cmd="--model_name cogvideox \
--pretrained_model_name_or_path THUDM/CogVideoX-5b"
# Dataset arguments
dataset_cmd="--data_root $DATA_ROOT \
--video_column $VIDEO_COLUMN \
--caption_column $CAPTION_COLUMN \
--id_token $ID_TOKEN \
--video_resolution_buckets 49x480x720 \
--caption_dropout_p 0.05"
# Dataloader arguments
dataloader_cmd="--dataloader_num_workers 4"
# Training arguments
training_cmd="--training_type lora \
--seed 42 \
--batch_size 1 \
--precompute_conditions \
--train_steps 1000 \
--rank 128 \
--lora_alpha 128 \
--target_modules to_q to_k to_v to_out.0 \
--gradient_accumulation_steps 1 \
--gradient_checkpointing \
--checkpointing_steps 200 \
--checkpointing_limit 2 \
--resume_from_checkpoint=latest \
--enable_slicing \
# Optimizer arguments
optimizer_cmd="--optimizer adamw \
--use_8bit_bnb \
--lr 3e-5 \
--lr_scheduler constant_with_warmup \
--lr_warmup_steps 100 \
--lr_num_cycles 1 \
--beta1 0.9 \
--beta2 0.95 \
--weight_decay 1e-4 \
--epsilon 1e-8 \
--max_grad_norm 1.0"
# Miscellaneous arguments
miscellaneous_cmd="--tracker_name finetrainers-cog \
--output_dir $OUTPUT_DIR \
--nccl_timeout 1800 \
--report_to wandb"
cmd="accelerate launch --config_file accelerate_configs/deepspeed.yaml --gpu_ids $GPU_IDS \
$model_cmd \
$dataset_cmd \
$dataloader_cmd \
$training_cmd \
$optimizer_cmd \
echo "Running command: $cmd"
eval $cmd
echo -ne "-------------------- Finished executing script --------------------\n\n"
The below measurements are done in torch.bfloat16
precision. Memory usage can further be reduce by passing --layerwise_upcasting_modules transformer
to the training script. This will cast the model weights to torch.float8_e4m3fn
or torch.float8_e5m2
, which halves the memory requirement for model weights. Computation is performed in the dtype set by --transformer_dtype
(which defaults to bf16
LoRA with rank 128, batch size 1, gradient checkpointing, optimizer adamw, 49x480x720
resolutions, with precomputation:
Training configuration: {
"trainable parameters": 132120576,
"total samples": 69,
"train epochs": 1,
"train steps": 10,
"batches per device": 1,
"total batches observed per epoch": 69,
"train batch size": 1,
"gradient accumulation steps": 1
stage | memory_allocated | max_memory_reserved |
after precomputing conditions | 8.880 | 8.941 |
after precomputing latents | 9.300 | 12.441 |
before training start | 10.622 | 20.701 |
after epoch 1 | 11.145 | 20.701 |
before validation start | 11.145 | 20.702 |
after validation end | 11.145 | 28.324 |
after training end | 11.144 | 11.592 |
Training configuration: {
"trainable parameters": 5570283072,
"total samples": 1,
"train epochs": 2,
"train steps": 2,
"batches per device": 1,
"total batches observed per epoch": 1,
"train batch size": 1,
"gradient accumulation steps": 1
stage | memory_allocated | max_memory_reserved |
after precomputing conditions | 8.880 | 8.941 |
after precomputing latents | 9.300 | 12.441 |
before training start | 10.376 | 10.387 |
after epoch 1 | 31.160 | 52.939 |
before validation start | 31.161 | 52.939 |
after validation end | 31.161 | 52.939 |
after training end | 31.160 | 34.295 |
CogVideoX has multiple checkpoints as one can note here. The following checkpoints were tested with finetrainers
and are known to be working:
Assuming your LoRA is saved and pushed to the HF Hub, and named my-awesome-name/my-awesome-lora
, we can now use the finetuned model for inference:
import torch
from diffusers import CogVideoXPipeline
from diffusers.utils import export_to_video
pipe = CogVideoXPipeline.from_pretrained(
"THUDM/CogVideoX-5b", torch_dtype=torch.bfloat16
+ pipe.load_lora_weights("my-awesome-name/my-awesome-lora", adapter_name="cogvideox-lora")
+ pipe.set_adapters(["cogvideox-lora"], [0.75])
video = pipe("<my-awesome-prompt>").frames[0]
export_to_video(video, "output.mp4")
You can refer to the following guides to know more about the model pipeline and performing LoRA inference in diffusers