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内定 #59
这个真需要啊 |
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发件人: "LOG1997/log-lottery" ***@***.***>;
发送时间: 2025年1月20日(星期一) 下午3:07
主题: Re: [LOG1997/log-lottery] 内定 (Issue #59)
修改了log-lottery\src\views\Home\index.vue 文件,添加了一个内定,奖项的id在页面上的显示,从上往下依次是001,002,003这样递增的,中奖人id为导入的名单前的序号。
<script setup lang="ts"> import type { IPersonConfig } from '@/types/storeType' import type { Material } from 'three' import StarsBackground from '@/components/StarsBackground/index.vue' import { useElementPosition, useElementStyle } from '@/hooks/useElement' import i18n from '@/locales/i18n' import useStore from '@/store' import { filterData, selectCard } from '@/utils' import { rgba } from '@/utils/color' import * as TWEEN from ***@***.***/tween.js' import confetti from 'canvas-confetti' import { storeToRefs } from 'pinia' import { Object3D, PerspectiveCamera, Scene, Vector3 } from 'three' import { CSS3DObject, CSS3DRenderer } from 'three-css3d' import { TrackballControls } from 'three/examples/jsm/controls/TrackballControls.js' import { nextTick, onMounted, onUnmounted, ref } from 'vue' import { useI18n } from 'vue-i18n' import { useRouter } from 'vue-router' import { useToast } from 'vue-toast-notification' import PrizeList from './PrizeList.vue' import 'vue-toast-notification/dist/theme-sugar.css' // 定义特定奖项与获奖者的映射 const specificWinnersMap: Record<string, number> = { // '003': 0, // 当奖项 id 为 "003" 时,中奖人 id 为 0 // 可以在这里添加更多奖项的映射,例如: // '010': 1, } const { t } = useI18n() const toast = useToast() const router = useRouter() const personConfig = useStore().personConfig const globalConfig = useStore().globalConfig const prizeConfig = useStore().prizeConfig const { getAllPersonList: allPersonList, getNotPersonList: notPersonList, getNotThisPrizePersonList: notThisPrizePersonList, } = storeToRefs(personConfig) const { getCurrentPrize: currentPrize } = storeToRefs(prizeConfig) const { getTopTitle: topTitle, getCardColor: cardColor, getPatterColor: patternColor, getPatternList: patternList, getTextColor: textColor, getLuckyColor: luckyColor, getCardSize: cardSize, getTextSize: textSize, getRowCount: rowCount, getBackground: homeBackground } = storeToRefs(globalConfig) const tableData = ref<any[]>([]) const currentStatus = ref(0) // 0为初始状态, 1为抽奖准备状态,2为抽奖中状态,3为抽奖结束状态 const ballRotationY = ref(0) const containerRef = ref<HTMLElement>() const canOperate = ref(true) const cameraZ = ref(3000) const scene = ref() const camera = ref() const renderer = ref() const controls = ref() const objects = ref<any[]>([]) interface TargetType { grid: any[] helix: any[] table: any[] sphere: any[] } const targets: TargetType = { grid: [], helix: [], table: [], sphere: [], } const luckyTargets = ref<any[]>([]) const luckyCardList = ref<number[]>([]) const luckyCount = ref(10) const personPool = ref<IPersonConfig[]>([]) const intervalTimer = ref<any>(null) // 填充数据,填满七行 function initTableData() { if (allPersonList.value.length <= 0) { return } const totalCount = rowCount.value * 7 const originPersonData = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(allPersonList.value)) const originPersonLength = originPersonData.length if (originPersonLength < totalCount) { const repeatCount = Math.ceil(totalCount / originPersonLength) // 复制数据 for (let i = 0; i < repeatCount; i++) { tableData.value = tableData.value.concat(JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(originPersonData))) } } else { tableData.value = originPersonData.slice(0, totalCount) } tableData.value = filterData(tableData.value.slice(0, totalCount), rowCount.value) } function init() { const felidView = 40 const width = window.innerWidth const height = window.innerHeight const aspect = width / height const nearPlane = 1 const farPlane = 10000 const WebGLoutput = containerRef.value scene.value = new Scene() camera.value = new PerspectiveCamera(felidView, aspect, nearPlane, farPlane) camera.value.position.z = cameraZ.value renderer.value = new CSS3DRenderer() renderer.value.setSize(width, height * 0.9) renderer.value.domElement.style.position = 'absolute' // 垂直居中 renderer.value.domElement.style.paddingTop = '50px' renderer.value.domElement.style.top = '50%' renderer.value.domElement.style.left = '50%' renderer.value.domElement.style.transform = 'translate(-50%, -50%)' WebGLoutput!.appendChild(renderer.value.domElement) controls.value = new TrackballControls(camera.value, renderer.value.domElement) controls.value.rotateSpeed = 1 controls.value.staticMoving = true controls.value.minDistance = 500 controls.value.maxDistance = 6000 controls.value.addEventListener('change', render) const tableLen = tableData.value.length for (let i = 0; i < tableLen; i++) { let element = document.createElement('div') element.className = 'element-card' const number = document.createElement('div') number.className = 'card-id' number.textContent = tableData.value[i].uid element.appendChild(number) const symbol = document.createElement('div') symbol.className = 'card-name' symbol.textContent = tableData.value[i].name element.appendChild(symbol) const detail = document.createElement('div') detail.className = 'card-detail' detail.innerHTML = `${tableData.value[i].department}<br/>${tableData.value[i].identity}` element.appendChild(detail) element = useElementStyle(element, tableData.value[i], i, patternList.value, patternColor.value, cardColor.value, cardSize.value, textSize.value) const object = new CSS3DObject(element) object.position.x = Math.random() * 4000 - 2000 object.position.y = Math.random() * 4000 - 2000 object.position.z = Math.random() * 4000 - 2000 scene.value.add(object) objects.value.push(object) } createTableVertices() createSphereVertices() createHelixVertices() function createTableVertices() { const tableLen = tableData.value.length for (let i = 0; i < tableLen; i++) { const object = new Object3D() object.position.x = tableData.value[i].x * (cardSize.value.width + 40) - rowCount.value * 90 object.position.y = -tableData.value[i].y * (cardSize.value.height + 20) + 1000 object.position.z = 0 targets.table.push(object) } } function createSphereVertices() { let i = 0 const objLength = objects.value.length const vector = new Vector3() for (; i < objLength; ++i) { const phi = Math.acos(-1 + (2 * i) / objLength) const theta = Math.sqrt(objLength * Math.PI) * phi const object = new Object3D() object.position.x = 800 * Math.cos(theta) * Math.sin(phi) object.position.y = 800 * Math.sin(theta) * Math.sin(phi) object.position.z = -800 * Math.cos(phi) // rotation object vector.copy(object.position).multiplyScalar(2) object.lookAt(vector) targets.sphere.push(object) } } function createHelixVertices() { let i = 0 const vector = new Vector3() const objLength = objects.value.length for (; i < objLength; ++i) { const phi = i * 0.213 + Math.PI const object = new Object3D() object.position.x = 800 * Math.sin(phi) object.position.y = -(i * 8) + 450 object.position.z = 800 * Math.cos(phi + Math.PI) object.scale.set(1.1, 1.1, 1.1) vector.x = object.position.x * 2 vector.y = object.position.y vector.z = object.position.z * 2 object.lookAt(vector) targets.helix.push(object) } } window.addEventListener('resize', onWindowResize, false) transform(targets.table, 1000) render() } function transform(targets: any[], duration: number) { TWEEN.removeAll() if (intervalTimer.value) { clearInterval(intervalTimer.value) intervalTimer.value = null randomBallData('sphere') } return new Promise((resolve) => { const objLength = objects.value.length for (let i = 0; i < objLength; ++i) { const object = objects.value[i] const target = targets[i] new TWEEN.Tween(object.position) .to({ x: target.position.x, y: target.position.y, z: target.position.z }, Math.random() * duration + duration) .easing(TWEEN.Easing.Exponential.InOut) .start() new TWEEN.Tween(object.rotation) .to({ x: target.rotation.x, y: target.rotation.y, z: target.rotation.z }, Math.random() * duration + duration) .easing(TWEEN.Easing.Exponential.InOut) .start() .onComplete(() => { if (luckyCardList.value.length) { luckyCardList.value.forEach((cardIndex: any) => { const item = objects.value[cardIndex] useElementStyle(item.element, {} as any, i, patternList.value, patternColor.value, cardColor.value, cardSize.value, textSize.value, 'sphere') }) } luckyTargets.value = [] luckyCardList.value = [] canOperate.value = true }) } // 这个补间用来在位置与旋转补间同步执行,通过onUpdate在每次更新数据后渲染scene和camera new TWEEN.Tween({}) .to({}, duration * 2) .onUpdate(render) .start() .onComplete(() => { canOperate.value = true resolve('') }) }) } function onWindowResize() { camera.value.aspect = window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight camera.value.updateProjectionMatrix() renderer.value.setSize(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight) render() } /** * [animation update all tween && controls] */ function animation() { TWEEN.update() if (controls.value) { controls.value.update() } // 设置自动旋转 // 设置相机位置 requestAnimationFrame(animation) } // // 旋转的动画 function rollBall(rotateY: number, duration: number) { TWEEN.removeAll() return new Promise((resolve) => { scene.value.rotation.y = 0 ballRotationY.value = Math.PI * rotateY * 1000 const rotateObj = new TWEEN.Tween(scene.value.rotation) rotateObj .to( { // x: Math.PI * rotateX * 1000, x: 0, y: ballRotationY.value, // z: Math.PI * rotateZ * 1000 z: 0, }, duration * 1000, ) .onUpdate(render) .start() .onStop(() => { resolve('') }) .onComplete(() => { resolve('') }) }) } // 将视野转回正面 function resetCamera() { new TWEEN.Tween(camera.value.position) .to( { x: 0, y: 0, z: 3000, }, 1000, ) .onUpdate(render) .start() .onComplete(() => { new TWEEN.Tween(camera.value.rotation) .to( { x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, }, 1000, ) .onUpdate(render) .start() .onComplete(() => { canOperate.value = true // camera.value.lookAt(scene.value.position) camera.value.position.y = 0 camera.value.position.x = 0 camera.value.position.z = 3000 camera.value.rotation.x = 0 camera.value.rotation.y = 0 camera.value.rotation.z = -0 controls.value.reset() }) }) } function render() { if (renderer.value) { renderer.value.render(scene.value, camera.value) } } async function enterLottery() { if (!canOperate.value) { return } if (!intervalTimer.value) { randomBallData() } if (patternList.value.length) { for (let i = 0; i < patternList.value.length; i++) { if (i < rowCount.value * 7) { objects.value[patternList.value[i] - 1].element.style.backgroundColor = rgba(cardColor.value, Math.random() * 0.5 + 0.25) } } } canOperate.value = false await transform(targets.sphere, 1000) currentStatus.value = 1 rollBall(0.1, 2000) } // 开始抽奖 async function startLottery() { if (!canOperate.value) { return } const prize = currentPrize.value if (!prize) { toast.open({ message: i18n.global.t('error.allPrizesAreDrawn'), type: 'warning', position: 'top-right', duration: 10000, }) return } personPool.value = prize.isAll ? notThisPrizePersonList.value : notPersonList.value // 验证抽奖人数是否还够 if (personPool.value.length < prize.count - prize.isUsedCount) { toast.open({ message: i18n.global.t('error.personNotEnough'), type: 'warning', position: 'top-right', duration: 10000, }) return } luckyCount.value = prize.count - prize.isUsedCount // 步骤1:检查是否有特定获奖者 const specificWinnerIdForPrize = specificWinnersMap[prize.id] if (specificWinnerIdForPrize !== undefined) { // 确保有映射 const specificWinner = personPool.value.find(person => person.id === specificWinnerIdForPrize) if (specificWinner) { luckyTargets.value.push(specificWinner) personPool.value = personPool.value.filter(person => person.id !== specificWinnerIdForPrize) luckyCount.value -= 1 // toast.open({ // message: i18n.global.t('message.specificWinnerSelected', { winner: specificWinner.name }), // type: 'info', // position: 'top-right', // duration: 5000, // }) } else { // 如果指定的获奖者不在候选池中,提示错误 toast.open({ message: i18n.global.t('error.specificWinnerNotFound', { winnerId: specificWinnerIdForPrize }), type: 'error', position: 'top-right', duration: 8000, }) } } // 步骤2:随机选择剩余的获奖者 for (let i = 0; i < luckyCount.value; i++) { if (personPool.value.length > 0) { const randomIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * personPool.value.length) luckyTargets.value.push(personPool.value[randomIndex]) personPool.value.splice(randomIndex, 1) } } toast.open({ message: i18n.global.t('error.startDraw', { count: prize.name, leftover: prize.count - prize.isUsedCount }), type: 'default', position: 'top-right', duration: 8000, }) currentStatus.value = 2 rollBall(10, 3000) } async function stopLottery() { if (!canOperate.value) { return } // clearInterval(intervalTimer.value) // intervalTimer.value = null canOperate.value = false rollBall(0, 1) const windowSize = { width: window.innerWidth, height: window.innerHeight } luckyTargets.value.forEach((person: IPersonConfig, index: number) => { const cardIndex = selectCard(luckyCardList.value, tableData.value.length, person.id) luckyCardList.value.push(cardIndex) const totalLuckyCount = luckyTargets.value.length const item = objects.value[cardIndex] const { xTable, yTable } = useElementPosition(item, rowCount.value, totalLuckyCount, { width: cardSize.value.width * 2, height: cardSize.value.height * 2 }, windowSize, index) new TWEEN.Tween(item.position) .to({ x: xTable, y: yTable, z: 1000, }, 1200) .easing(TWEEN.Easing.Exponential.InOut) .onStart(() => { item.element = useElementStyle(item.element, person, cardIndex, patternList.value, patternColor.value, luckyColor.value, { width: cardSize.value.width * 2, height: cardSize.value.height * 2 }, textSize.value * 2, 'lucky') }) .start() .onComplete(() => { canOperate.value = true currentStatus.value = 3 }) new TWEEN.Tween(item.rotation) .to({ x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, }, 900) .easing(TWEEN.Easing.Exponential.InOut) .start() .onComplete(() => { confettiFire() resetCamera() }) }) } // 继续 async function continueLottery() { if (!canOperate.value) { return } const customCount = currentPrize.value.separateCount if (customCount && customCount.enable && customCount.countList.length > 0) { for (let i = 0; i < customCount.countList.length; i++) { if (customCount.countList[i].isUsedCount < customCount.countList[i].count) { customCount.countList[i].isUsedCount += luckyCount.value break } } } currentPrize.value.isUsedCount += luckyCount.value luckyCount.value = 0 if (currentPrize.value.isUsedCount >= currentPrize.value.count) { currentPrize.value.isUsed = true currentPrize.value.isUsedCount = currentPrize.value.count } personConfig.addAlreadyPersonList(luckyTargets.value, currentPrize.value) prizeConfig.updatePrizeConfig(currentPrize.value) await enterLottery() } function quitLottery() { enterLottery() currentStatus.value = 0 } // 庆祝动画 function confettiFire() { const duration = 3 * 1000 const end = Date.now() + duration; (function frame() { // launch a few confetti from the left edge confetti({ particleCount: 2, angle: 60, spread: 55, origin: { x: 0 }, }) // and launch a few from the right edge confetti({ particleCount: 2, angle: 120, spread: 55, origin: { x: 1 }, }) // keep going until we are out of time if (Date.now() < end) { requestAnimationFrame(frame) } }()) centerFire(0.25, { spread: 26, startVelocity: 55, }) centerFire(0.2, { spread: 60, }) centerFire(0.35, { spread: 100, decay: 0.91, scalar: 0.8, }) centerFire(0.1, { spread: 120, startVelocity: 25, decay: 0.92, scalar: 1.2, }) centerFire(0.1, { spread: 120, startVelocity: 45, }) } function centerFire(particleRatio: number, opts: any) { const count = 200 confetti({ origin: { y: 0.7 }, ...opts, particleCount: Math.floor(count * particleRatio), }) } function setDefaultPersonList() { personConfig.setDefaultPersonList() // 刷新页面 window.location.reload() } // 随机替换数据 function randomBallData(mod: 'default' | 'lucky' | 'sphere' = 'default') { // 两秒执行一次 intervalTimer.value = setInterval(() => { // 产生随机数数组 const indexLength = 4 const cardRandomIndexArr: number[] = [] const personRandomIndexArr: number[] = [] for (let i = 0; i < indexLength; i++) { const randomCardIndex = Math.round(Math.random() * (tableData.value.length - 1)) const randomPersonIndex = Math.round(Math.random() * (allPersonList.value.length - 1)) if (luckyCardList.value.includes(randomCardIndex)) { continue } cardRandomIndexArr.push(randomCardIndex) personRandomIndexArr.push(randomPersonIndex) } for (let i = 0; i < cardRandomIndexArr.length; i++) { if (!objects.value[cardRandomIndexArr[i]]) { continue } objects.value[cardRandomIndexArr[i]].element = useElementStyle(objects.value[cardRandomIndexArr[i]].element, allPersonList.value[personRandomIndexArr[i]], cardRandomIndexArr[i], patternList.value, patternColor.value, cardColor.value, { width: cardSize.value.width, height: cardSize.value.height }, textSize.value, mod, 'change') } }, 200) } // 监听键盘 function listenKeyboard(e: any) { if ((e.keyCode !== 32 || e.keyCode !== 27) && !canOperate.value) { return } if (e.keyCode === 27 && currentStatus.value === 3) { quitLottery() } if (e.keyCode !== 32) { return } switch (currentStatus.value) { case 0: enterLottery() break case 1: startLottery() break case 2: stopLottery() break case 3: continueLottery() break default: break } } function cleanup() { // animationRunning.value = false clearInterval(intervalTimer.value) intervalTimer.value = null if (scene.value) { scene.value.traverse((object: Object3D) => { if ((object as any).material) { if (Array.isArray((object as any).material)) { (object as any).material.forEach((material: Material) => { material.dispose() }) } else { (object as any).material.dispose() } } if ((object as any).geometry) { (object as any).geometry.dispose() } if ((object as any).texture) { (object as any).texture.dispose() } }) scene.value.clear() } if (objects.value) { objects.value.forEach((object) => { if (object.element) { object.element.remove() } }) objects.value = [] } if (controls.value) { controls.value.removeEventListener('change') controls.value.dispose() } // 移除所有事件监听 window.removeEventListener('resize', onWindowResize) scene.value = null camera.value = null renderer.value = null controls.value = null } onMounted(() => { initTableData() init() animation() containerRef.value!.style.color = `${textColor}` randomBallData() window.addEventListener('keydown', listenKeyboard) }) onUnmounted(() => { nextTick(() => { cleanup() }) clearInterval(intervalTimer.value) intervalTimer.value = null window.removeEventListener('keydown', listenKeyboard) }) </script> <template> <div class="absolute z-10 flex flex-col items-center justify-center -translate-x-1/2 left-1/2"> <h2 class="pt-12 m-0 mb-12 font-mono tracking-wide text-center leading-12 header-title" :style="{ fontSize: `${textSize * 1.5}px`, color: textColor }" > {{ topTitle }} </h2> <div class="flex gap-3"> <button v-if="tableData.length <= 0" class="cursor-pointer btn btn-outline btn-secondary btn-lg" @click="router.push('config')" > {{ t('button.noInfoAndImport') }} </button> <button v-if="tableData.length <= 0" class="cursor-pointer btn btn-outline btn-secondary btn-lg" @click="setDefaultPersonList" > {{ t('button.useDefault') }} </button> </div> </div> <div id="container" ref="containerRef" class="3dContainer"> <!-- 选中菜单结构 start --> <div id="menu"> <button v-if="currentStatus === 0 && tableData.length > 0" class="btn-end " @click="enterLottery"> {{ t('button.enterLottery') }} </button> <div v-if="currentStatus === 1" class="start"> <button class="btn-start" @click="startLottery"> <strong>{{ t('button.start') }}</strong> <div id="container-stars"> <div id="stars" /> </div> <div id="glow"> <div class="circle" /> <div class="circle" /> </div> </button> </div> <button v-if="currentStatus === 2" class="btn-end btn glass btn-lg" @click="stopLottery"> {{ t('button.selectLucky') }} </button> <div v-if="currentStatus === 3" class="flex justify-center gap-6 enStop"> <div class="start"> <button class="btn-start" @click="continueLottery"> <strong>{{ t('button.continue') }}</strong> <div id="container-stars"> <div id="stars" /> </div> <div id="glow"> <div class="circle" /> <div class="circle" /> </div> </button> </div> <div class="start"> <button class="btn-cancel" @click="quitLottery"> <strong>{{ t('button.cancel') }}</strong> <div id="container-stars"> <div id="stars" /> </div> <div id="glow"> <div class="circle" /> <div class="circle" /> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end --> </div> <StarsBackground :home-background="homeBackground" /> <PrizeList class="absolute left-0 top-32" /> </template> <style scoped lang="scss"> #menu { position: absolute; z-index: 100; width: 100%; bottom: 50px; text-align: center; margin: 0 auto; font-size: 32px; } .header-title { -webkit-animation: tracking-in-expand-fwd 0.8s cubic-bezier(0.215, 0.610, 0.355, 1.000) both; animation: tracking-in-expand-fwd 0.8s cubic-bezier(0.215, 0.610, 0.355, 1.000) both; } .start { // 居中 display: flex; justify-content: center; } .btn-start { cursor: pointer; display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; width: 13rem; overflow: hidden; height: 3rem; background-size: 300% 300%; backdrop-filter: blur(1rem); border-radius: 5rem; transition: 0.5s; animation: gradient_301 5s ease infinite; border: double 4px transparent; background-image: linear-gradient(#212121, #212121), linear-gradient(137.48deg, #ffdb3b 10%, #FE53BB 45%, #8F51EA 67%, #0044ff 87%); background-origin: border-box; background-clip: content-box, border-box; -webkit-animation: pulsate-fwd 1.2s ease-in-out infinite both; animation: pulsate-fwd 1.2s ease-in-out infinite both; } .btn-cancel { cursor: pointer; display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; width: 13rem; overflow: hidden; height: 3rem; background-size: 300% 300%; backdrop-filter: blur(1rem); border-radius: 5rem; transition: 0.5s; animation: gradient_301 5s ease infinite; border: double 4px transparent; background-image: linear-gradient(#212121, #212121), linear-gradient(137.48deg, #ffdb3b 10%, #FE53BB 45%, #8F51EA 67%, #0044ff 87%); background-origin: border-box; background-clip: content-box, border-box; } #container-stars { position: absolute; z-index: -1; width: 100%; overflow: hidden; transition: 0.5s; backdrop-filter: blur(1rem); border-radius: 5rem; } strong { z-index: 2; font-family: 'Avalors Personal Use'; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 5px; color: #FFFFFF; text-shadow: 0 0 4px white; } #glow { position: absolute; display: flex; width: 12rem; } .circle { width: 100%; height: 30px; filter: blur(2rem); animation: pulse_3011 4s infinite; z-index: -1; } .circle:nth-of-type(1) { background: rgba(254, 83, 186, 0.636); } .circle:nth-of-type(2) { background: rgba(142, 81, 234, 0.704); } .btn-start:hover #container-stars { z-index: 1; background-color: #212121; } .btn-start:hover { transform: scale(1.1) } .btn-start:active { border: double 4px #FE53BB; background-origin: border-box; background-clip: content-box, border-box; animation: none; } .btn-start:active .circle { background: #FE53BB; } #stars { position: relative; background: transparent; width: 200rem; height: 200rem; } #stars::after { content: ""; position: absolute; top: -10rem; left: -100rem; width: 100%; animation: animStarRotate 90s linear infinite; } #stars::after { background-image: radial-gradient(#ffffff 1px, transparent 1%); background-size: 50px 50px; } #stars::before { content: ""; position: absolute; top: 0; left: -50%; width: 170%; animation: animStar 60s linear infinite; } #stars::before { background-image: radial-gradient(#ffffff 1px, transparent 1%); background-size: 50px 50px; opacity: 0.5; } @Keyframes animStar { from { transform: translateY(0); } to { transform: translateY(-135rem); } } @Keyframes animStarRotate { from { transform: rotate(360deg); } to { transform: rotate(0); } } @Keyframes gradient_301 { 0% { background-position: 0% 50%; } 50% { background-position: 100% 50%; } 100% { background-position: 0% 50%; } } @Keyframes pulse_3011 { 0% { transform: scale(0.75); box-shadow: 0 0 0 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7); } 70% { transform: scale(1); box-shadow: 0 0 0 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); } 100% { transform: scale(0.75); box-shadow: 0 0 0 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); } } .btn-end { -webkit-animation: pulsate-fwd 0.9s ease-in-out infinite both; animation: pulsate-fwd 0.9s ease-in-out infinite both; cursor: pointer; } .btn-end { --glow-color: rgb(217, 176, 255); --glow-spread-color: rgba(191, 123, 255, 0.781); --enhanced-glow-color: rgb(231, 206, 255); --btn-color: rgb(100, 61, 136); border: .25em solid var(--glow-color); padding: 1em 3em; color: var(--glow-color); font-size: 15px; font-weight: bold; background-color: var(--btn-color); border-radius: 1em; 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